This is part of my code below, Correl works for the same array, but LinEst doesn't. I have noticed that LineEst keeps changing to lower case automatically. I am using Excel 2003. I have tried looking up other similar issues, but there isn't enough information in any of the posts I read, as to what the problem was.
Can anyone see why this is not working?
Dim correlation As Double
Dim arrP As Variant, arrW As Variant
Dim lin As Variant
arrP = Array(p(a), p(b), p(c)) 'set initial arrays as GSL 1, 2, 3
arrW = Array(w(a), w(b), w(c))
n = 2
correlation = Application.WorksheetFunction.Correl(arrP, arrW) 'calculate correlation
lin = Application.WorksheetFunction.linest(arrP, arrW, False) 'calculate slope
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