Hi Perry,

Try this:
Sub mcrzzProperCaseTEST2()
'Proper Case selected cells with Exceptions for Prepositions
'Subordinate conjuctions will be capitalized -- because, as, who, if, that, what, why, that, when, where

'Following will be in lower case:
'a, an, the, and, but, for, nor, yet, by, with, on, to, of, at, around

Dim txtString As String
Dim RngCell As Range
Dim StartChar As Double
Dim EndChar As Double
Dim Parined As String

'Do not convert exceptions in cells selected to proper case
For Each RngCell In Selection

    txtString = StrConv(RngCell.Text, vbProperCase)
    txtString = Application.Substitute(txtString, " Of ", " of ")
    RngCell.Value = txtString
    StartChar = InStr(RngCell.Text, "(")
    EndChar = InStr(RngCell.Text, ")")
    If StartChar > 0 And EndChar > 0 Then
        If StartChar < EndChar Then
            txtString = Mid(RngCell.Value, StartChar, EndChar - StartChar)
            txtString = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(RngCell.Text, txtString, StrConv(txtString, 1))
            RngCell.Value = txtString
        End If
    End If
Next RngCell

End Sub