*Always first two characters should be "V" and "-".
*third character should be alphabetic.
*last four characters should be numeric only.
*The length should be seven.
I need a validation like below example.
e.g. V-B0004
Thank you very much guys![]()
*Always first two characters should be "V" and "-".
*third character should be alphabetic.
*last four characters should be numeric only.
*The length should be seven.
I need a validation like below example.
e.g. V-B0004
Thank you very much guys![]()
This formula gives you True if the 4 rules are true and False otherwise
If you want validate the use of lowercase=uppercase you can use UPPER(A2) instead A2
As you posted this in the excel macro section I'll post a macro solution as well
Option Explicit Sub Cheker() Dim cell As Range For Each cell In Range("A2:A6") If Mid(cell, 1, 2) = "V-" And Mid(cell, 3, 1) Like "[A-Za-z)]" And IsNumeric(Mid(cell, 4, 4)) And Mid(cell, 4, 4) > 0 And Len(cell) = 7 Then cell.Interior.Color = vbRed End If Next End Sub
If you do not mind attach the VBA file frnd pls![]()
I guess you can't apply the code, so attach a workbook showing where(range) to apply.![]()
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim r As Range, msg As String If Intersect(Target, Columns(1)) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Application.EnableEvents = False For Each r In Intersect(Target, Columns(1)) If r.Value <> "" Then If Not r.Value Like "V-[A-Za-z]####" Then MsgBox "Invalid Entry", vbCritical, r.Value r.ClearContents End If End If Next Application.EnableEvents = True If Len(msg) Then MsgBox msg, , "Invalid entry" End Sub
eg : V-B0004
When user enters first character as alphabetic(except capital V) or numeric value or special character -- Validation message should be "First character should be V"
When user enters second character as special character(except -) or numeric value or alphabetic -- Validation message should be "second character should be -"
When user enters third character as special character or numeric value-- Validation message should be "third character should be alphabetic"
When user enters last four characters as special character or alphabetic -- Validation message should be "last four characters should be numeric values"
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