@ NoSparks
Hi Sparks
Thanks very much. This is very helpful as it seems to be finally saying that the computer is having some effect.
Very Minor point I expect the 8810 you mentioned is in column A ? – this is a unique product List done earlier in the program before the main looping to produce the long sorted rows, which is where the problem arises.
_ can you then confirm that the row of DBSept2016.xlsx which bombed out was 3595. That is to say you had data up to 3595 from column K
_Is it at all possible to get me a copy of the File DBSept2016.xlsx that you were able to produce ?
It would be very interesting to see if I could open such a File. I would have then half the problem solved, that is to say half of the File I am trying to produce.
I am very confused just now at where the resource issue is, the file size, or in the attempt to create that File - or probably a combination of both!! _....._..
_..............leading on from that
_...................@ xlnitwit, humdingaling, Thankyou both very much for you inputs. I am trying very hard to digest and understand all that you have said, as well as making further experiments based on what I am learning.
I am quite out of my depth here, but have an important project so am very grateful for your inputs. Your suggestion and comments are gold worth to me just now
I am having some big problems with my computer just now... I fear I may have overworked it.. I hope I am able to reply !! I certainly intend to give some feedback to what you have said.