Hi ... I'm new to VBA Coding but I am trying to get a userform with a combobox to open different excel workbooks when an item is selected and the command button is clicked.
The options on the combobox are as follows ...
QTR1 to open "Workbook A"
QTR2 to open "Workbook B"
QTR3 to open "Workbook C"
QTR4 to open "Workbook D"
Daily Audits Completed QTR1 to open "Workbook E"
Daily Audits Completed QTR2 to open "Workbook F"
Daily Audits Completed QTR3 to open "Workbook G"
Daily Audits Completed QTR4 to open "Workbook H"
I hope someone out there can help.
Many thanks in anticipation ....