I have solved half the problem through help on this forum when data is appended to an existing data array. The second part - overwriting the record if it already exists - has me beaten. I have attached an example, and grateful for any help.
I have solved half the problem through help on this forum when data is appended to an existing data array. The second part - overwriting the record if it already exists - has me beaten. I have attached an example, and grateful for any help.
It would be of great help if you Could Post the Code you have for your sample Workbook which is totally stripped of all Code. That would enable us to approach your issue from the same "Page", without Coding any conflicts.
Thank you.
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You may try something like this....
Sub CopyToDataArray() Dim sws As Worksheet, dws As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim r As Long Dim wht Set sws = Sheets("DataEntry") Set dws = Sheets("DataArray") wht = sws.Range("R8").Value sws.Range("C8:O8").Copy With dws.Range("Q:Q") Set rng = .Find(what:=wht, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) If Not rng Is Nothing Then r = rng.Row Else r = dws.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1 End If End With dws.Range("B" & r).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll dws.Range("Q" & r).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-14]&RC[-12]&RC[-9]&RC[-10]" End Sub
Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to.
Respect is earned NOT given.
Post duplicated, and deleted.
@ sktneer,
Nice work!
Before End Sub, I would add:Maybe also adding ScreenUpdating to False and True.![]()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Kind Regards.
That is genius! I wouldn't have got it in a thousand years. Thanks, rep added
You are welcome, glad sktneer could come to your rescue, and him not minding me contributing a bit.
Thanks for the appreciation.
And yes you are correct. Those changes make the code perfect. I forgot to add those lines. Thanks for pointing that out.
Re your Message,
It is difficult to elaborate on how you should do what where, to try and get you to solve your issue, hence the attached sample Workbook for you perusal.I am battling to get one last part to work. At the moment the system will append a new record or ignore it as the record already exists. How do I get it to recognise that if one of the cells in the sheet has TRUE, it means the record should not be overwritten and ignored, but if the cell reads FALSE, the record should be overwritten? I've tried a number of tacks and all have failed! Any advice you have would be much appreciated.
Hi Minon
Somehow I missed your additional help - only found it this morning.
Thanks for the explanation on how it works - it's all helping me to get to grips with my awful ability (inability) to write code.
Thank you for the feedback, and also for adding to my Reputation. Much appreciated!
You are welcome, glad I could help.
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