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VBA for open comment by clicking cell, formatting, paste and clear all from clipboard

  1. #1
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    VBA for open comment by clicking cell, formatting, paste and clear all from clipboard

    I've been googling this for awhile. Sometimes I think I get pieces of the code but seem to ulimately fall short. Anything you can do to help would mean so much to me. Here is what I'm looking for.

    When I have exactly four items in my Office Clipboard I want to Paste All into the comment of the selected cell then Clear All inside the clipboard. I would prefer never to have to open the comment myself.

    I have some specific conditions for the paste. Before pasting, if there is already text inside the comment I want it all deleted then to be cursored at the top of the blank comment, then Paste All. If there is no existing comment I want to insert one, delete the comment heading, then cursor me at the top of the blank comment, then Paste All.

    The Paste All needs to be bold text.

    Each item is a decimal number to the tenth or hundredth. The last item will always be exactly two numbers to the tenth or hundredth. Here is an example of what the clipboard will look like :

    Click an item to paste :
    8.4 8.21

    When I Paste All, I would like to swap the last two numbers and add a Return space between them, formatted like :



    Again, any help would be deeply appreciated even if it's pieces.
    Thank you!!!

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor mangesh.mehendale's Avatar
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    Re: VBA for open comment by clicking cell, formatting, paste and clear all from clipboard

    Attach a sample file...
    Don`t care, take care...


  3. #3
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: VBA for open comment by clicking cell, formatting, paste and clear all from clipboard

    Cross posted
    ...How to Cross-post politely...
    ..Wrap code by selecting the code and clicking the # or read this. Thank you.

  4. #4
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    Re: VBA for open comment by clicking cell, formatting, paste and clear all from clipboard

    I wish I could. When I click attachments I get a blank field. I've tried multiple browsers.

  5. #5
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    Re: VBA for open comment by clicking cell, formatting, paste and clear all from clipboard

    Thanks Mike!

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