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Highlight duplicate rows excluding column and vice versa another column

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    Highlight duplicate rows excluding column and vice versa another column

    Hello everyone
    I have a great code for Mr. Karedog that highlights the duplicate rows with different colors ... It is working great and wonderful
    I need to make some little changes ..

    As for the attachment for example the whole range is D2:H11 ..
    column D is not important for me as it will not be duplicated .. the columns E:H is the important for me
    Columns F:H is no problem .. if all found from F:H are the same so it would be treated as duplicates

    The problem is for column E .. the duplicates would be for positive and negative values so (1 and -1 are considered duplicates)
    Here' the code and I hope it is clear
    Sub Karedog()
        Dim coll As New Collection, rng As Range, rngDelete As Range, arr, C As Long, I As Long, strKey As String, v1
        Set rng = Range("E2").CurrentRegion
        rng.Offset(1).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
        arr = rng.Value
        For I = 2 To UBound(arr, 1)
            strKey = arr(I, 1) & Chr$(2) & arr(I, 2) & Chr$(2) & arr(I, 3) & Chr$(2) & arr(I, 4)
                On Error Resume Next
                    coll.Add Key:=strKey, Item:=New Collection
                On Error GoTo 0
            coll(strKey).Add I
        Next I
        For Each v1 In coll
            If v1.Count > 1 Then
                C = RGB(Int(Rnd * 256), Int(Rnd * 256), Int(Rnd * 256))
                For I = 1 To v1.Count
                    rng.Rows(v1(I)).Interior.Color = C
                    If I > 1 Then
                        If rngDelete Is Nothing Then Set rngDelete = rng.Rows(v1(I)) Else Set rngDelete = Union(rngDelete, rng.Rows(v1(I)))
                    End If
                Next I
            End If
        Next v1
    End Sub
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