Hi All,

Good day. I having an issue on how to print the number of copies & each printing will print with serialize number. Then another button will print different amount. The values for the serial let say from A1. How do I to achieve the desire result. Below the current code for amount 1.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim A As Long
Dim Ans As String

Open "COM1:" For Output As #1
Ans = InputBox("Number of Copies", "Print")

If Val(Ans) <> 0 Then

For A = 1 To Val(Ans)

' or open "COM1:"
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); "a"; Chr$(1);

'Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); "!"; Chr$(1);
'Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); "d"; Chr$(3); 'Prints and 3 line feeding (ESC d)
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); "a"; Chr$(0); 'Selects the left print position (ESC a)
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); "................................."
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); ". Training & Dev. Centre ."
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); "................................." '; Chr$(&HA)
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); "Program:" & Range("B2") '; Chr$(&HA)
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); "Batch : " & Range("C2") '; Chr$(&HA)
Print #1, Chr$(&HA); 'Line feeding (LF)

Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); "!"; Chr$(17); 'Selects double-height mode
Print #1, "Value: RM3.00"; Chr$(&HA);
'Print #1, "Value: RM2.00"; Spc(10); "Date: " & Date
Print #1, "Date: " & Range("D2"); Chr$(&HA)
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); "!"; Chr$(0); 'Cancels double-height mode

Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); "This coupon only valid at"; Chr$(&HA);
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); Spc(1); "Chinese Canteen"; Chr$(&HA);
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); Spc(1); "Stall 02,04,10,11,12&13"; Chr$(&HA);
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); "Not valid for Cigarette & Liquor"; Chr$(&HA);
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); "................................."
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); "printed by " & Range("E2"); "@"; Format(Now, "MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss ")
'Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1) & Date; Chr$(&HA)
Print #1, Chr$(&H1B); Chr$(1); "................................."
Print #1, Chr(12) 'Form Feed for new page.
Print #1,
Print #1,
Print #1,
Print #1,
Print #1,
Print #1,
Print #1,
Print #1,
Print #1,
Print #1,
Print #1, Chr$(&H1D); "V"; Chr$(1);
Close #1
Me.CommandButton2.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

Thank you