Quote Originally Posted by toci View Post
Sheet1--->A1 is drop down list with:

Now, I would like to create VBA code and when I select "All" to unhide ALL SHEETS then.
If I select FIN, I would like to see "FIN" and to hide RET and Oth.
Else, if I select RET, Would like to hide FIN and Oth and so on.
So again... I don't think you really explained yourself very well at all. The code I gave you looks for the value in cell C5 and hides all other sheets WITH THE EXCEPTION of the one with the name matching the value in C5, and the "Control Tab". So either change the names in your dropdown to FIN, RET, etc. OR change the names of your sheets to "Financial", "Retail", etc.

OTHERWISE, if you must have the two be different I suggest using a Vlookup (in either a column you hide or in a locked cell with white text) on your dropdown and having a list of the dropdown options and their corresponding sheets on a separate sheet/hidden columns. If you do this you will have to modify the code I gave you to point to the Vlookup result and NOT c5 where it currently pulling the value from.

Again, the code matches the Value of your dropdown and hides all sheets without the matching name, so if you are using values in your drop down that differ from your sheet names it will not work.