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Code to search Excel and return results even if part of search text is present

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  1. #1
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    Code to search Excel and return results even if part of search text is present

    Hello guys!

    I am an excel VBA newbie and I have created an excel workbook that I use to store meeting minutes. As part of the application I have a userform from which I can search any previously saved data. below is a snippet of the code I am using:

    Dim d As Range

    With Worksheets("Bank").Range("C2 : C10000")

    Set c = .Find(SearchTextBox.Text, LookIn:=xlValues)
    Set k = Worksheets("Bank").Columns("C").Find(what:=SearchTextBox.Text, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
    On Error GoTo ErrMsg
    DisplayUserform.TextBoxResults1.Text = Sheets("Bank").Range("A" & k.Row)
    DisplayUserform.TextBoxResults2.Text = Sheets("Bank").Range("B" & k.Row)
    DisplayUserform.TextBoxResults3.Text = Sheets("Bank").Range("C" & k.Row)
    Range("A" & k.Row).Activate

    End If

    If c Is Nothing Then
    On Error GoTo ErrMsg
    DisplayUserform.TextBoxResults1.Text = "---"
    DisplayUserform.TextBoxResults2.Text = "---"
    DisplayUserform.TextBoxResults3.Text = "Sorry, your search did not return any results."

    End If
    End With
    Exit Sub

    The problem is that with this code I can only return results if the search query exactly matches the saved data. How do I search and return results if the search query is part of the saved data? For example I would like a situation where the saved data is "I love code" and if I search for "code" or just "I love" I will still be able to return results.

    May someone please help me as soon as you can.

    Thanks vey much code gurus!!!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Arkadi's Avatar
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    Re: Code to search Excel and return results even if part of search text is present

    Hi Taoyuan00,

    Please review the forum rules, especially #3 regarding code tags when posting code. But... try changing

    Set k = Worksheets("Bank").Columns("C").Find(what:=SearchTextBox.Text, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
    Set k = Worksheets("Bank").Columns("C").Find(what:=SearchTextBox.Text, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart)
    also add ", lookat:=xlPart" to your "set c...." statement
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