Hello experts
I was searching for a code that translates based on google translation
Here' the code but it took long time and no results for me
Sub Translate_Test()
    Dim IE As Object, html
    Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application")
    IE.Visible = 0
    lngto = "en"
    For Count = 1 To 16
        IE.navigate "http://translate.google.com/#auto/" & lngto & "/" & Range("a" & Count).Value
        Do Until IE.ReadyState = 4
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"))
        Range("B" & Count).Value = IE.Document.getElementById("result_box").innerText
        'html = Split(Replace(IE.Document.getElementById("result_box").innerHTML, "</SPAN>", ""), "<")
        'For j = LBound(html) To UBound(html)
        '   Range("b" & Count).Value = Range("b" & Count).Value & Right(html(j), Len(html(j)) - InStr(html(j), ">"))
    Set IE = Nothing
    MsgBox "Finished"
End Sub
Any help in this topic please?