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conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

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    conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

    Hi Guys
    my name is Anthony.
    i am new to excel and spread sheets, so please bear with me.

    i have a spread sheet were i have used conditional formatting to highlight cells (and the next cells to the left) that contain a certain text.
    for example every time "Bunnings, Wattyl, Home hardware" appears in column C, it is colour filled blue along with the next cell to the left.
    so if bunnings appears in C5, then cells C5 and B5 are colour filled blue.
    coloum B contains $ amounts

    i have used the following formula

    =SUM(IF(ISERROR((SEARCH('C:\TAX\[Tax template 2.xlsm]Key'!#REF!,B1:C1))),0,1))

    i have used a key (spread sheet) to determine which words to search for.

    what i want to know is if i Want to find the Sum of the blue filled cells in column B ($ amounts) how would i do it.

    as i have used conditional formatting i can not use "SumCellsByColor" as they will not recognize the formatted colour fill.

    any ideas


  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

    Welcome to the forums!

    Perhaps this?


    You cannot use the colour of a cell in a formula, so you need to use the same logic essentially as the CF rule uses, so the above is saying sum all entries in column B where the corresponding cell in C is the same as the contents of cell C5 (and that could be any cell anywhere on the sheet that contains the name of the company whose figures you need to sum).

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    Re: conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

    Hi Ali
    thanks for the quick response.
    as i am searching for many different texts not just one, this formula wont work. i have attached a spread sheet with the basics. sorry the last formula was not completely correct i have been experimenting a bit and have saved a number of spread sheets.
    hopefully this will make more sense.

    how do i Attach a spread sheet. sorry my bad i cant seem to get the attachment icon to do anything

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

    The paperclip icon doesn't work.

    Click on GO ADVANCED and then scroll down to Manage Attachments to open the upload window.

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    Re: conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

    Hopefully it is attached
    Attached Files Attached Files

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    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

    What are your expected outcomes and why? I'm not quite sure what you are aiming for here, and you haven't made that clear in your sample sheet or included any of your attempts.

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    Re: conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

    so basically i have go around 50-60 re occurring items per month that i need to separate into 10 different groups and find the sum of each group.
    each of the 10 groups is represented by a certain colour
    or example anything to do with building materials will be highlighted blue.
    anything to do with vehicles will be highlighted green.
    anything to do with personnel will be highlighted brown.

    and so on

    there are also items that are not reoccuring that may come up once a year or so, but ill deal with that later.

    in the past i would colour fill each individual item (looking at 100-200 items in a month) according to what group they should be in.

    and then use the following
    macro to find the sum of the colour filled item according to that colour.

    Function GetCellColor(xlRange As Range)
    Dim indRow, indColumn As Long
    Dim arResults()


    If xlRange Is Nothing Then
    Set xlRange = Application.ThisCell
    End If

    If xlRange.Count > 1 Then
    ReDim arResults(1 To xlRange.Rows.Count, 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count)
    For indRow = 1 To xlRange.Rows.Count
    For indColumn = 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count
    arResults(indRow, indColumn) = xlRange(indRow, indColumn).Interior.Color
    GetCellColor = arResults
    GetCellColor = xlRange.Interior.Color
    End If
    End Function

    Function GetCellFontColor(xlRange As Range)
    Dim indRow, indColumn As Long
    Dim arResults()


    If xlRange Is Nothing Then
    Set xlRange = Application.ThisCell
    End If

    If xlRange.Count > 1 Then
    ReDim arResults(1 To xlRange.Rows.Count, 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count)
    For indRow = 1 To xlRange.Rows.Count
    For indColumn = 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count
    arResults(indRow, indColumn) = xlRange(indRow, indColumn).Font.Color
    GetCellFontColor = arResults
    GetCellFontColor = xlRange.Font.Color
    End If

    End Function

    Function CountCellsByColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range) As Long
    Dim indRefColor As Long
    Dim cellCurrent As Range
    Dim cntRes As Long

    cntRes = 0
    indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Interior.Color
    For Each cellCurrent In rData
    If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Interior.Color Then
    cntRes = cntRes + 1
    End If
    Next cellCurrent

    CountCellsByColor = cntRes
    End Function

    Function SumCellsByColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range)
    Dim indRefColor As Long
    Dim cellCurrent As Range
    Dim sumRes

    sumRes = 0
    indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Interior.Color
    For Each cellCurrent In rData
    If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Interior.Color Then
    sumRes = WorksheetFunction.Sum(cellCurrent, sumRes)
    End If
    Next cellCurrent

    SumCellsByColor = sumRes
    End Function

    Function CountCellsByFontColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range) As Long
    Dim indRefColor As Long
    Dim cellCurrent As Range
    Dim cntRes As Long

    cntRes = 0
    indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Font.Color
    For Each cellCurrent In rData
    If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Font.Color Then
    cntRes = cntRes + 1
    End If
    Next cellCurrent

    CountCellsByFontColor = cntRes
    End Function

    Function SumCellsByFontColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range)
    Dim indRefColor As Long
    Dim cellCurrent As Range
    Dim sumRes

    sumRes = 0
    indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Font.Color
    For Each cellCurrent In rData
    If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Font.Color Then
    sumRes = WorksheetFunction.Sum(cellCurrent, sumRes)
    End If
    Next cellCurrent

    SumCellsByFontColor = sumRes
    End Function

    along with
    SumCellsByColor('Bank Account'!$B$13:$B$25,A8)
    to find the sum of each colour group
    the A8 being a certain colour filled cell say red

    i am now using Format conditioning to recognize certain text in these reoccuring items and highlight them for me.
    As a result the above macro wont recognize the colour fill done by the conditional formatting.

    so what i am after is a Macro that will recognize the cells filled in by the format conditioning and allow me to find the sum of each colour group.

    i hope this has made things clearer

    cheers Anthony

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

    I am so sorry - I had not realised that this was a VBA query. Hopefully one of the experts in VBA will be able to help you, but I fear I cannot.

  9. #9
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    Re: conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

    In Excel 2010 you have the possibility to filter a column by color, don't know if this is possible Office 360 pro.

    The way to set this up in Excel 2010 is first you add a formula in say B8

    The 9 is to get the sum value. Then you select range A1:C1 and click "Filter" (Data tab), then click on the "Drop down" arrow in B1 and select "Filter by color" and click on the color shown.



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    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

    Alf - it's available in Office 365 - I'd never noticed it before!

  11. #11
    Forum Expert Alf's Avatar
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    Re: conditional formatting fill cells based on text, how to find sum based on CF colour

    I'd never noticed it before!
    Well I think we all get surprised from time to time when we learn what is possible in Excel.

    And if the OP wish for a macro to do this then it could look like this:

    Sub SumCol()
    Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=RGB(0, 176, _
            240), Operator:=xlFilterCellColor
    End Sub
    and just add the "SUBTOTAL" formula at the appropriate row or set it with the macro.


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