Hey jomili, Thanks! A few issues I think though. If you take the below data and put into your sheet, it says the SSN is 945632187, but should be 367894512, (comes after the S in the data).
Also, i'm not seeing what I originally was hoping for, maybe I am missing it. But it seems that you still have to manually filter the Source sheet and copy that data over to the Filter sheet? It looks like you could even reduce yours to one page right? basically copy that yellow table over to the source file. Because the filter sheet doesn't do anything that the formulas on Source don't do as well right?
What my goal and hope is, that I can get this to be basically fool proof. That all someone has to do is copy and paste that data into one column on the source sheet and then if it starts with FA*, then to look at that reason code and copy over to the corresponding worksheet and then sum those amounts.
Copy/Paste into Source>IF begins FA* look at (RH,VO,WG,NSF,CN) and copy to worksheet with same name then autosum.
*edit, Hey i was looking at it again and my column G has no formula, it just has WG in it. I know it is something like.. but I think maybe some of my data has one character short because of me anonymizing it