Hello, I have a workbook that is linked to 8 different other workbooks. There are many cells within the multiple tabs in this workbook that are linked to these 8 various workbooks and I want to break 6 of them while keeping the remaining 2 each each corresponding cell that originally had the 8 (or sometimes it is just 6, etc.).
so for example:

Currently have something similar to this in hundreds of cells within one workbook:

Need to have:
= 500++'[workbook6]sheet6'!AA15+'[workbook7]sheet7'!AA15+'[workbook8]sheet8'!AA15
Where 500 equals the value of the 1st 6 workbooks (not always in this order by the way) = '[workbook1]sheet1'!AA15+'[workbook2]sheet2'!AA15+'[workbook3]sheet3'!AA15+'[workbook4]sheet4'!AA15+'[workbook5]sheet5'!AA15+'[workbook6]sheet6'!AA15

Is there anyway to do this aside from manually going into each individual cell and adjusting it?
