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Code for adding section broken - help!

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    Question Code for adding section broken - help!

    Hi everyone,

    I just took ownership of someone else's Excel file, and some of the code seems to be broken. I'm very far from an excel expert - so would really appreciate any help!!

    When I edit cell C18 in the attached picture the code should run, and add or take away sections depending on how many "channels" I need - but it breaks every time:

    Below is the code that is messing things up - the bug seems to be in the third line of the "INIT" section.

    Very happy to send the file to anyone that thinks they could help. Thank you so much!!

    Public Sub HideChannels(ByVal iChannels As Integer)

    Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim xlRange As Excel.Range
    Dim xlFormulaRange As Excel.Range

    Dim mFormula As New Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim lHSRow As Long
    Dim lHERow As Long

    Set xlSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SHEETNAME_SUMMARY)
    ' GET ROW
    Set xlRange = xlSheet.Range(DECISION_COLUMN)
    For Each xlFormulaRange In xlRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
    mFormula.Add Key:=xlFormulaRange.Formula, Item:=xlFormulaRange.Row
    Next xlFormulaRange
    Set xlFormulaRange = Nothing
    Set xlRange = Nothing

    ' INIT
    lHSRow = mFormula(Replace(USER_FORMULA_1, "%rownumber%", "2")) - 1
    lHERow = mFormula(Replace(USER_FORMULA_2, "%rownumber%", CStr(LAST_CHANNEL_NUM))) + 1
    xlSheet.Range(CStr(lHSRow) & ":" & CStr(lHERow - 1)).EntireRow.Hidden = False

    ' Channels=4:Exit
    If iChannels = 4 Then
    GoTo ExitSub:
    End If

    With xlSheet
    lHSRow = mFormula(Replace(USER_FORMULA_1, "%rownumber%", CStr(iChannels + 1))) - 1
    lHERow = .Range(DECISION_COLUMN).Find(What:=DELIMITER_STRING).Row - 1
    .Range(CStr(lHSRow) & ":" & CStr(lHERow)).EntireRow.Hidden = True
    End With
    With xlSheet
    lHSRow = mFormula(Replace(USER_FORMULA_2, "%rownumber%", CStr(iChannels + 1)))
    lHERow = mFormula(Replace(USER_FORMULA_2, "%rownumber%", CStr(LAST_CHANNEL_NUM)))
    .Range(CStr(lHSRow) & ":" & CStr(lHERow)).EntireRow.Hidden = True
    End With

    Set mFormula = Nothing

    Set xlFormulaRange = Nothing
    Set xlRange = Nothing
    Set xlSheet = Nothing
    End Sub
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by 0darroch; 08-21-2016 at 11:49 PM.

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