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VBA to fill the different range with formula depends upon row of header value ends

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  1. #1
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    VBA to fill the different range with formula depends upon row of header value ends

    Dear experts

    I have four types table range In which i have to fill the formula depends upon row and column header labels the tables row and column labels values the raw data has connect to get result in sumifs and count ifs function i want fill the formula till header values ends up in each range.

    Table1 Start at C5=SUMIFS(Rawdata!$G:$G,Rawdata!$D:$D,$B5,Rawdata!$A:$A,C$4)-SUMIFS(Rawdata!$I:$I,Rawdata!$C:$C,$A5,Rawdata!$A:$A,C$4) end till row 4 header
    Table2 Start at C20=SUMIFS(Rawdata!$H:$H,Rawdata!$C:$C,$B20) end till row header 19
    Table3 start at C31=SUMIFS(Rawdata!$I:$I,Rawdata!$E:$E,$B31,Rawdata!$C:$C,C$30) It might get extent depends upon row text value in row 30 in the row 31 the formula has to fill
    Table4 COUNTIFS(Rawdata!$J:$J,$V4,Rawdata!$B:$B,W$3) Till end of row header 3

    find the attachment. you may understand what i looking for.
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru karedog's Avatar
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    Re: VBA to fill the different range with formula depends upon row of header value ends

    First, you must clear content cell : S4, V19, H30, AI3 ("It might get extent...").

    The code is :
    Private Function GetRange(param As Range) As Range
      Dim lastCol As Long, lastRow As Long
      If Len(param.Offset(, 1)) = 0 Then
         lastCol = param.Column
         With param.End(xlToRight)
           If InStr(1, UCase(.Value), "TOTAL") Then lastCol = .Column - 1 Else lastCol = .Column
         End With
      End If
      With param.Offset(, -1).End(xlDown)
         If InStr(1, UCase(.Value), "TOTAL") Then lastRow = .Row - 1 Else lastRow = .Row
      End With
      Set GetRange = Range(param.Offset(1), param.Parent.Cells(lastRow, lastCol))
    End Function
    Private Sub CreateTotal(param As Range)
      With param.Resize(, 1).Offset(, param.Columns.Count)
        .Resize(1).Offset(-1).Value = "Total"
        .Formula = "=SUM(" & param.Rows(1).Address(0, 0) & ")"
        .Resize(1).Offset(.Rows.Count).Formula = "=SUM(" & .Address(0, 0) & ")"
      End With
      param.Resize(1, 1).Offset(param.Rows.Count, -1).Value = "Grand Total"
    End Sub
    Sub Test()
      Dim rng As Range
      Set rng = GetRange(Range("C4"))
      rng.Formula = "=SUMIFS(Rawdata!$G:$G,Rawdata!$D:$D,$B5,Rawdata!$A:$A,C$4)-SUMIFS(Rawdata!$I:$I,Rawdata!$C:$C,$A5,Rawdata!$A:$A,C$4)"
      CreateTotal rng
      Set rng = GetRange(Range("C19"))
      rng.Formula = "=SUMIFS(Rawdata!$H:$H,Rawdata!$C:$C,$B20)"
      CreateTotal rng
      Set rng = GetRange(Range("C30"))
      rng.Formula = "=SUMIFS(Rawdata!$I:$I,Rawdata!$E:$E,$B31,Rawdata!$C:$C,C$30)"
      CreateTotal rng
      Set rng = GetRange(Range("W3"))
      rng.Formula = "=COUNTIFS(Rawdata!$J:$J,$V4,Rawdata!$B:$B,W$3)"
    End Sub
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  3. #3
    Forum Guru
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    Re: VBA to fill the different range with formula depends upon row of header value ends

    Use a pivot table
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    Ben Van Johnson

  4. #4
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    Re: VBA to fill the different range with formula depends upon row of header value ends

    Dear sir Thanks alot!! You are amazing ,You made my day Solved 100%
    Ya I done
    Set rng = GetRange(Range("C4"))
      rng.Formula = "=SUMIFS(Rawdata!$G:$G,Rawdata!$D:$D,$B5,Rawdata!$A:$A,C$4)-SUMIFS(Rawdata!$I:$I,Rawdata!$C:$C,$A5,Rawdata!$A:$A,C$4)"
      CreateTotal rng

  5. #5
    Forum Guru karedog's Avatar
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    Re: VBA to fill the different range with formula depends upon row of header value ends

    You are welcome. Thanks for marking the thread as solved.


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