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Userform runs Initialize sub @ beginning of textbox AfterUpdate event w/out being called

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    Userform runs Initialize sub @ beginning of textbox AfterUpdate event w/out being called

    I have a textbox where I have setup some code in the AfterUpdate event that is intended to take the value entered into the box and "do stuff". I have struggled to get it to do stuff, and finally realized that one of the problems is because my me.textbox.value is always coming up empty even when there is text entered into the textbox on the form and I've pressed enter. I know very little about the step-through functions in VBA and finally figured out how to F8 my way through my textbox AfterUpdate sub. I discovered that the very first thing it does, before even making it to any of my "do stuff" code, is to run the userform initialize sub. In the initialize sub I had previously written code to explicity set the value of the textbox to "" so that it would be clear upon opening. What is tripping me up is that my textbox afterupdate sub does not call the Intialize sub anywhere in its code. Why is it making that jump?

    Below is the beginning of the AfterUpdate code, which is a hot mess right now because of all the different coding things I'd tried prior to discovering the null textbox value issue.

    Private Sub fPanelNumi_AfterUpdate()
     Dim testcell
     Dim i As Integer 'row position of a panel number
     Dim j As Integer 'the quantity of discrete values with a panel number string
     Dim k As Integer 'loop counter for the string values
     Dim m As Integer 'low value of a range in the panel number string
     Dim n As Integer 'high value of a range in the panel number string
     Dim forstopper As Boolean
     Dim nArray As Variant
     Dim nPanelArray As Range
     Dim RowCounter As Integer
     'fix this so that entering a part number doesn't pull in random data in instances such as when creating anew panel.
    If OBtnNewPanel.Value = True Then
            OBtnLoadPanelI.Value = True Or OBtnLoadPanelN = True
    End If
     'Make DataEntry active
     RowCounter = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("D5:D200"))
    Set nPanelArray = Range("D5:D200")
    i = 1
    forstopper = True
        Do While i <= RowCounter And forstopper
            'MsgBox InStr("106-108", "-")
            Me.fPanelNumi.Value = Me.fPanelNumi.Text
            MsgBox Me.fPanelNumi.Value
            nArray = Split(nPanelArray(i, 1).Value, ",", , vbTextCompare)
            j = WorksheetFunction.CountA(nArray)
            k = 0
            Do While k <= j - 1 And forstopper 'This searches for a number within a string of comma delineated numbers, ex 106,107,108,109
                If InStr(nArray(k), "-") = 0 Then
                    If nArray(k) = fPanelNumi Then
    Last edited by chirp08; 08-18-2016 at 12:13 PM. Reason: Trying to clean up explanations

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