Function juniper_decrypt$(strPassword$)
' Module : juniper_decrypt - v1.0
' Author : Boyan Kolev ( 2016-08-26 )
' Github :
' Purpose : Decrypt Juniper $9$ Type password. Ported to VBA from Python
' 2016-08-26 - Style Changes
Dim intCounter%, intGap%, intLen%, intDiff%
Dim strChars$, strFirst$, strToss$, strPrev$, strDecrypt$, strNibble$, strChar1$, strChar2$
Dim vChar As Variant
Dim vFamily As Variant
Dim vNum_Alpha As Variant
Dim vNibble As Variant
Dim vDecode As Variant
Dim objEncoding As Object
Dim objAlpha_Num As Object
Dim objExtra As Object
Dim objGaps As Object
On Error GoTo juniper_decrypt_error_handler
vNum_Alpha = Array("Q", "z", "F", "3", "n", "6", "/", "9", "C", "A", "t", "p", "u", "0", "O", _
"B", "1", "I", "R", "E", "h", "c", "S", "y", "r", "l", "e", "K", "v", "M", "W", "8", "L", "X", "x", _
"7", "N", "-", "d", "V", "b", "w", "s", "Y", "2", "g", "4", "o", "a", "J", "Z", "G", "U", "D", "j", _
"i", "H", "k", "q", ".", "m", "P", "f", "5", "T")
vFamily = Array(Array("Q", "z", "F", "3", "n", "6", "/", "9", "C", "A", "t", "p", "u", "0", "O"), _
Array("B", "1", "I", "R", "E", "h", "c", "S", "y", "r", "l", "e", "K", "v", "M", "W", "8", "L", "X", "x"), _
Array("7", "N", "-", "d", "V", "b", "w", "s", "Y", "2", "g", "4", "o", "a", "J", "Z", "G", "U", "D", "j"), _
Array("i", "H", "k", "q", ".", "m", "P", "f", "5", "T"))
Set objEncoding = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
objEncoding.Add objEncoding.Count, Array(1, 4, 32)
objEncoding.Add objEncoding.Count, Array(1, 16, 32)
objEncoding.Add objEncoding.Count, Array(1, 8, 32)
objEncoding.Add objEncoding.Count, Array(1, 64)
objEncoding.Add objEncoding.Count, Array(1, 32)
objEncoding.Add objEncoding.Count, Array(1, 4, 16, 128)
objEncoding.Add objEncoding.Count, Array(1, 32, 64)
Set objAlpha_Num = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For intCounter = LBound(vNum_Alpha) To UBound(vNum_Alpha):
objAlpha_Num.Add vNum_Alpha(intCounter), intCounter
Next intCounter
Set objExtra = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For intCounter = LBound(vFamily) To UBound(vFamily)
For Each vChar In vFamily(intCounter):
objExtra.Add vChar, 3 - intCounter
Next vChar
Next intCounter
Select Case Left(strPassword, 3)
Case "$9$"
strChars = Right(strPassword, Len(strPassword) - 3)
vNibble = Nibble(strChars, 1)
strFirst = vNibble(0)
strChars = vNibble(1)
vNibble = Nibble(strChars, objExtra(strFirst))
strToss = vNibble(0)
strChars = vNibble(1)
strPrev = strFirst
strDecrypt = vbNullString
Do While Not strChars = vbNullString:
vDecode = objEncoding(Len(strDecrypt) Mod objEncoding.Count)
vNibble = Nibble(strChars, (UBound(vDecode) - LBound(vDecode) + 1))
strNibble = vNibble(0)
strChars = vNibble(1)
Set objGaps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For intCounter = 1 To Len(strNibble):
strChar1 = strPrev
strChar2 = Mid(strNibble, intCounter, 1)
intDiff = objAlpha_Num(strChar2) - objAlpha_Num(strChar1)
intLen = UBound(vNum_Alpha) - LBound(vNum_Alpha) + 1
intGap = (objAlpha_Num(strChar2) - objAlpha_Num(strChar1) Mod intLen) - 1
If intDiff < 0 Then
intGap = intGap + intLen
End If
strPrev = strChar2
objGaps.Add objGaps.Count, intGap
Next intCounter
strDecrypt = strDecrypt & Gap_Decode(objGaps, vDecode)
juniper_decrypt = strDecrypt
Case Else
juniper_decrypt = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Select
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
End Function
Function Nibble(strCref, intLength) As Variant
Dim strNib$, strRest$
Select Case Len(strCref)
Case Is < intLength
Err.Raise Number:=1 + vbObjectError, Description:="Ran out of characters: hit " & strCref & ", expecting " & intLength & " chars."
Case Else
strNib = Left(strCref, intLength)
strRest = Right(strCref, Len(strCref) - intLength)
Nibble = Array(strNib, strRest)
End Select
End Function
Function Gap_Decode$(objGaps As Object, vDec As Variant)
Dim num%, intIndex%
Select Case objGaps.Count
Case (UBound(vDec) - LBound(vDec) + 1)
For intIndex = LBound(vDec) To UBound(vDec)
num = num + objGaps(intIndex) * vDec(intIndex)
Next intIndex
Gap_Decode = Chr(num Mod 256)
Case Else
Err.Raise Number:=2 + vbObjectError, Description:="Nibble and decode size not the same!"
End Select
End Function