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Search/List subfolders using Dir

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mc84excel Search/List subfolders using... 08-09-2016, 06:49 PM
Leith Ross Re: Search/List subfolders... 08-10-2016, 12:14 AM
mc84excel Re: Search/List subfolders... 08-10-2016, 01:43 AM
Leith Ross Re: Search/List subfolders... 08-10-2016, 02:23 AM
mc84excel Re: Search/List subfolders... 08-11-2016, 12:40 AM
Leith Ross Re: Search/List subfolders... 08-11-2016, 01:40 AM
mc84excel Re: Search/List subfolders... 08-11-2016, 07:35 PM
  1. #1
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    Search/List subfolders using Dir

    I prefer (where possible) to use Dir over FSO to take advantage of better running speed.

    However FSO has the edge on Dir in that Dir is unable to natively process any files/folders below the original starting folder path. (A better way of putting it = Dir cant search the contents of any subfolders in the folder it is processing)

    I have adapted code to return folder names using Dir (see http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...using-fso.html ).

    I am not that good at writing recursive functions (especially when the output has to go to the same dynamic array each loop!) So could some kind forum user please adapt my adapted code so that it can process all subfolders and output the result to a single array?

    HELP WANTED! (Links to Forum threads)
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Search/List subfolders using Dir

    Hello mc84excel ,

    Try this macro I wrote using the Dir function.

    Recursively List Files and Folders Using Dir
    Private SubFolders As Collection
    Sub ListFiles(ByVal Folder_Path As String, ByRef Rng As Range, Optional ByVal Include_Subfolders As Boolean)
        Dim FileName    As String
        Dim FilePath    As String
        Dim Filespec    As String
        Dim row         As Long
        Dim SubFolder   As Variant
            If SubFolders Is Nothing Then Set SubFolders = New Collection
            FilePath = IIf(Right(Folder_Path, 1) <> "\", Folder_Path & "\", Folder_Path)
            FileName = Dir(FilePath & "*.*", vbDirectory)
            Do While FileName <> ""
                Filespec = FilePath & FileName
                If (GetAttr(Filespec) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
                    If FileName <> "." And FileName <> ".." And Include_Subfolders Then SubFolders.Add Filespec
                    If row = 0 Then
                        Rng.Offset(row, 0).Font.Bold = True
                        Rng.Offset(row, 0) = FilePath
                    End If
                    row = row + 1
                    Rng.Offset(row, 1) = FileName
                End If
                FileName = Dir()
            If Include_Subfolders And SubFolders.Count <> 0 Then
                SubFolder = SubFolders.Item(1)
                SubFolders.Remove 1
                Call ListFiles(SubFolder, Rng.Offset(row + 1, 0), True)
            End If
    End Sub
    Example of Calling the Macro
    This will list all files and subfolders on the ActiveSheet in columns "A:B". Folder names are in bold in "A" and file names in "B".
    Sub ListFilesTest()
      Dim MyPath As String
        MyPath = "C:\Test"   ' <<<<< Change Folder to one you want to use.
        ListFiles MyPath, Range("A1"), True
    End Sub
    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
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    Re: Search/List subfolders using Dir

    Thanks for the suggestion Leith. Your code is interesting (I never learnt collections). I tried your code but it crashes Excel somewhere after 12,000 lines.

    Also whenever the code encounters a folder that ends with a space (which Windows treats these as invalid see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-au/lib...(v=vs.85).aspx ), VBA throws an Error 53. I added an error handler but it still crashes.

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Search/List subfolders using Dir

    Hello mc84excel,

    I updated the code to handle errors for both files and folders. I tested this on my machine using "C:\Users". It filled 36,020 rows without crashing.

    Private SubFolders As Collection
    Sub ListFiles(ByVal Folder_Path As String, ByRef Rng As Range, Optional ByVal Include_Subfolders As Boolean)
        Dim FileName    As String
        Dim FilePath    As String
        Dim Filespec    As String
        Dim row         As Long
        Dim SubFolder   As Variant
            If SubFolders Is Nothing Then Set SubFolders = New Collection
            FilePath = IIf(Right(Folder_Path, 1) <> "\", Folder_Path & "\", Folder_Path)
            On Error Resume Next
                FileName = Dir(FilePath & "*.*", vbDirectory)
                If Err <> 0 Then GoTo NextFolder
            On Error GoTo 0
            Do While FileName <> ""
                Filespec = FilePath & FileName
                On Error Resume Next            
                    If (GetAttr(Filespec) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
                        If FileName <> "." And FileName <> ".." And Include_Subfolders Then SubFolders.Add Filespec
                        If row = 0 Then
                            Rng.Offset(row, 0).Font.Bold = True
                            Rng.Offset(row, 0) = FilePath
                        End If
                        row = row + 1
                        Rng.Offset(row, 1) = FileName
                    End If
                On Error GoTo 0
                FileName = Dir()
            If Include_Subfolders And SubFolders.Count <> 0 Then
                SubFolder = SubFolders.Item(1)
                SubFolders.Remove 1
                Call ListFiles(SubFolder, Rng.Offset(row + 1, 0), True)
            End If
    End Sub

  5. #5
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    Re: Search/List subfolders using Dir

    Thank you. Unfortunately the new version still CTD. Run time error 29 Out of stack space.

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Search/List subfolders using Dir

    Hello mc84excel,

    I can't troubleshoot your system. You're on your own.

  7. #7
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    Re: Search/List subfolders using Dir

    Quote Originally Posted by Leith Ross View Post
    I can't troubleshoot your system. You're on your own.
    nvm. I managed to adapt the function I was using. I have run it on the same folder I was testing all along and it worked fine. So it can't be the system causing the problem, I think it must have been due to using a Collection!

    Code below for anyone who needs it. Very rough, I haven't tidied it up.

    Public Function fnavarListFilesFoldersByRecursiveDir(ByVal strFolder As String) As Variant
        Dim avarOutput() As Variant
        If Not fnblnExistsFileFolder(strFolder) Then
            MsgBox "Start folder '" & strFolder & "' is invalid!", vbCritical, ""
            Exit Function
        End If
        ReDim avarOutput(1 To 1)
        Call RecursiveDirFilesFoldersEngine(avarOutput, strFolder)
        fnavarListFilesFoldersByRecursiveDir = avarOutput
    End Function
    Private Sub RecursiveDirFilesFoldersEngine(ByRef avarOutput As Variant, ByVal strCurrDir As String)
    '// Returns an array of folder names
    '// Credits: adapted from function by John Walkenbach
        Dim lngCntSubDirs   As Long
        Dim i               As Long
        Dim astrDirs()      As String
        Dim strItemName     As String
        Dim strFullName     As String
        Dim iavarOutputMax  As Long
        Dim blnAddToOutput  As Boolean
        Dim blnAddToSubDir  As Boolean
        strCurrDir = fnstrGetSeparatoredPath(strCurrDir)
        On Error GoTo ErrHandler
        'for all items in this folder
        strItemName = Dir(strCurrDir & "*", vbDirectory)
        Do While Len(strItemName)
            strFullName = strCurrDir & strItemName
            If (GetAttr(strFullName) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
                blnAddToOutput = True
                blnAddToSubDir = True
                If Len(strItemName) < 3 Then
                    If strItemName = "." Or strItemName = ".." Then
                        blnAddToSubDir = False
                    End If
                End If
                If blnAddToSubDir Then
                    'store found directories
                    lngCntSubDirs = lngCntSubDirs + 1
                    ReDim Preserve astrDirs(1 To lngCntSubDirs) As String
                    astrDirs(lngCntSubDirs) = strFullName
                    'never change the next line
                    blnAddToOutput = False
                End If
                'is file
                blnAddToOutput = False
            End If
            If blnAddToOutput Then
                'expand output arr
                iavarOutputMax = UBound(avarOutput)
                If iavarOutputMax > 1 Then
                    iavarOutputMax = iavarOutputMax + 1
                ElseIf Len(avarOutput(1)) Then
                    iavarOutputMax = iavarOutputMax + 1
                    iavarOutputMax = 1
                End If
                ReDim Preserve avarOutput(1 To iavarOutputMax)
                'record item
                avarOutput(iavarOutputMax) = strFullName
            End If
            strItemName = Dir()
        'Process found directories
        If lngCntSubDirs > 0 Then
            For i = 1 To lngCntSubDirs
                RecursiveDirFilesFoldersEngine avarOutput, astrDirs(i)
            Next i
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub
        Select Case Err.Number
        Case 53
            Resume SkipToNextItem
        Case Else
            Debug.Assert False
        End Select
    End Sub
    Private Function fnblnExistsFileFolder(ByVal strFullName As String) As Boolean
    '/ adapted from function written by Ken Puls (www.excelguru.ca)
        If Len(strFullName) Then
            On Error Resume Next
            fnblnExistsFileFolder = Len(Dir(strFullName, 31))
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function fnstrGetSeparatoredPath(ByRef strPath As String, Optional ByVal blnInvert As Boolean) As String
    '/ ensures folder path ends in path separator (aka trailing backslash)
    '/ doesn't detect garbage input, requires a Path arg
        Dim blnChange As Boolean
        Const strcPATH_SEPARATOR As String = "\"
        If Len(strPath) Then
            blnChange = ((Right$(strPath, 1) = strcPATH_SEPARATOR) = blnInvert)
            If Not blnChange Then
                fnstrGetSeparatoredPath = strPath
            ElseIf Not blnInvert Then
                'add trailing separator
                fnstrGetSeparatoredPath = strPath & strcPATH_SEPARATOR
                'remove last character
                fnstrGetSeparatoredPath = Left$(strPath, Len(strPath) - 1)
            End If
        End If
    End Function

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