I am pretty new to VBA but I really don't know why this code isn't working.
I have a column that is always updated with new dates beginning with a new month and year which is then being provided a numeric value in another column on that same row.
For example, for analysis of numbers for June-2016, June will be the first month in the column and be assigned 1. Then for the proceeding 12 months they are incremented by 1 and anything blank or after these 12 months is equal to x. (Feb-2016 = 2, Mar-2016 =3, Apr-2016 = 4....June-2017 =12). And as I mentioned for the next month of July-2016 this will now be assigned a 1 in another column and pattern continues. Will this require a number of different for loops within and if statement?
The code is running with no errors but I don't see any execution of the code. Not sure if I have the if, for and case organized incorrectly?
Any help with this and if possible in making the code more efficient would be greatly appreciated.
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim x As String
Dim L As String
Dim D As Integer
lngLoop = 1
x = Sheets("Portfolio Matrix").Cells(1, 16).Value
L = Sheets("Portfolio Matrix").Cells(lngLoop, 45).Value
D = Sheets("Portfolio Matrix").Cells(lngLoop, 44).Value
If x = July - 2016 Then
For lngLoop = 1 To Rows.Count
Select Case L
Case "Jul-16"
L = 2
Case "Aug-16"
L = 3
Case "Sep-16"
L = 4
Case "Oct-16"
L = 5
Case "Nov-16"
L = 6
Case "Dec-16"
L = 7
Case "Nov-16"
L = 8
Case "Dec-16"
L = 9
Case "Jan-17"
L = 10
Case "Feb-17"
L = 11
Case "Mar-17"
L = 12
Case " "
L = LT
End Select
Cells(lngLoop, 44).Value = result
Next lngLoop