Dear All,

Good evening.

I want to clear the data from all sheets with a single click

What I do normally is, Press (go to special ), type A72, select total row & select all the data above this 72th row. Press F5 (go to special ) once again, click special -> Constants -> Unselect the check boxes text, logicals & errors & DELETE THE DATA

So I'm going to delete constants in first 29 sheets, after deleting constants in these sheets I have to delete text as well in B35 to B39, E35 to E38, P67 to P70

I used to do it with short cuts, if it is the case then press F5 -> Type A72 ->select 72th total row ->Press F5->ALT+S->ALT+O->PRESS TAB->UNSELECT TEXT, LOGICALS & ERRORS -> DELETE

Please provide VB code for above requirement and do the needful.