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VBA code to validate formula cells and do condition check in closed workbooks

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johnmacpro VBA code to validate formula... 07-10-2016, 03:19 AM
johnmacpro Re: VBA code to validate... 07-11-2016, 11:52 PM
  1. #1
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    VBA code to validate formula cells and do condition check in closed workbooks

    Dear experts!!


    I have list of workbooks stored in path. i want vba to do validate in column with formulas updates and conditional check in U:AA column.

    i have updated formulas in column of U,V,W,X,Y,Z where need to validate with formula.
    V = =IFERROR(IF(H2="ZSP1",AD2,IF(H2="ZLAB",AE2,IF(H2="LABOR & PART",AD2,IF(AND(H2="LABOR ONLY",AA2=""),AE2,TODAY()-AA2))))," ")
    W = =IFERROR(IF(AF2="",CLEAN(IF(TODAY()-S2>=30,"G >30 Days",IF(TODAY()-S2>20,"F 21-30 Days",IF(TODAY()-S2>15,"E 16-20 Days",IF(TODAY()-S2>10,"D 11-15 Days",IF(TODAY()-S2>=5,"C 6-10 Days",IF(TODAY()-S2>3,"B 3-5 Days","A 0-2 Days"))))))),CLEAN(IF(AF2>=30,"G >30 Days",IF(AF2>20,"F 21-30 Days",IF(AF2>15,"E 16-20 Days",IF(AF2>10,"D 11-15 Days",IF(AF2>5,"C 6-10 Days",IF(AF2>3,"B 3-5 Days","A 0-2 Days"))))))))," ")
    X = =IFERROR(IF(AG2="","PND","TATA")," ")
    Y = =IFERROR(IF(S2="","",CLEAN(IF(TODAY()-S2>=30,"G >30 Days",IF(TODAY()-S2>20,"F 21-30 Days",IF(TODAY()-S2>15,"E 16-20 Days",IF(TODAY()-S2>10,"D 11-15 Days",IF(TODAY()-S2>=5,"C 6-10 Days",IF(TODAY()-S2>3,"B 3-5 Days","A 0-2 Days"))))))))," ")
    Z = =IF(OR(S2>=DATEVALUE("06/30/2015"),S2=0),G2,"999")

    i want check those formulas are valid and whereever formula not filled OR keep as blank cell
    those cell are highlighed as yellow.
    condition check1 in column Z where the formula not contain with 06/30/2015 date those column need to fill by yellow color.
    condition check2 whereever result GE100 in Z those column need to fill by red
    condition check3 Column AA = #N/A and M >0.00 those column need to fill by yellow.
    and i want run code from VBA_run file. i want give reference cell to Path(B3) and Date check (B2) of column Z:Z , then found & list out in D2 which are files found error from vbe running file.

    please find the attachment
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    Last edited by johnmacpro; 07-11-2016 at 07:21 AM. Reason: reason

  2. #2
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    Re: VBA code to validate formula cells and do condition check in closed workbooks

    Any Experts help on this?

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