I have program I am trying to develop and am having some difficulty in creating a macro to do what I need it to do.
I have attached a simple versions so you can better understand what I need. The actual application will have many more lines of data and have a longer choice list but overall this simplified version should get me to where I need to be for understanding how to accomplish this on a larger scale.
It’s important to note that I really don’t understand the whole concept of tables so I would prefer that this be a macro as I can then understand how the process of the macro works by looking at it. I just don’t know how to write it from scratch.
So this is what it does:
On Sheet1 you will in your information in A:D. You are forced to choose from the pulldown option in B and C. This list will continue to grow so the macro will need to check to see how many times it needs to run to complete the task.
Sheet2 is where all the magic happens. You choose the person from whom you want to run the report for in B1. Again it’s a pulldown menu. Once you do that you click on the Run button and it will then take all of the data from Sheet1 (I have included it in yellow for illustration purposes only) and it will then sort the data for just that person into the specific colors as seen in J:Q. Basically it puts the data (date and price) into the correct color column.
IF you would be so kind as to notate in the code what is actually going on I SHOULD be able to alter it for my specific needs.
Thank you so very much for your assistance with this.