
I'm fairly new to code but can usually problem solve my way to getting it to do what I need it to.
I have been trying for days and have not had any success modifying scripts to get them work. HELP! This is what I'm trying to accomplish:

1. Copy "A4" and "B4" in sheet "DataEntry"
2. Paste them in next available row, in their respective columns into sheet "All"
3. Copy "A12" in sheet "DataEntry"
4. Special Paste Value in next available row, in column C on sheet "All"
5. Search column "D" in sheet "DataEntry" for the value "1"
6. When it finds "1", copy that row from "F" to "AY"
7. Paste Values (since they are currently formulas) into next available row from "E" to "AX" in sheet "All"

I also noticed one more thing that would be very useful. Is there a way to make it that:
- if "1" is found in row 4, then make the next available row if column "D" on sheet "All" "0"
- if "1" is found in row 8, then make the next available row if column "D" on sheet "All" "1"
- if "1" is found in row 12, then make the next available row if column "D" on sheet "All" "2"
- if "1" is found in row 15, then make the next available row if column "D" on sheet "All" "3"

Those are the only rows that "1" can be found in "DataEntry"

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
