I use an application (not Excel), which creates output in an Excel file. The data is organized into named tables which are of variable length and number. At the end of the file there is a index of all of the named tables. All of the data in these tables is in columns A through Q. Most of the data of interest is in columns A through C. Column A will have the name of a Table, below which will be a list of verbose names for the data in column C. In column B will be a list of codes which relates to the verbose name in the originating application. In column C will be most of the data I'm interested in. What I want to do is copy the data below the table name header and the corresponding data in column C into another spreadsheet. This is easy enough to do once the addresses of the cells with the data are known. The table structure is no completely uniform, so that I need to be able to identify which table I'm working with, and then identify the range of cells immediately below the table heading, and then copy parts or all of this data to another workbook.

Thanks for any suggestions (I am not a programmer, but I work with vba quite a bit).

I know how to find the cell with a particular named table. I'm struggling with how to identify the area of cells below the table headings which comprises the the actual table data.