Hi everyone!
I would like to ReSample intervals in order to get a continuous serie. I also put a classification number next to the continuous serie.
I already managed to do this for 1 Name (PIET). Now I want to do the same with a second Name (HENK) in the database. For this I need the code to start a new loop, when a new name is found in the database (same as finding a '0' as top). I would like to have the new results in a new workbook with the name HENK. If possible I would like to have the results of PIET also in a new workbook with the name PIET.
I put my excel file in the appendix.
Current Code:
Sub IntervalToSample()
Dim Cancelled, OldStatusbar As Boolean
Dim NOI, TI, TS, DOF, i, j, Samples, SII As Integer
Dim Counter, Bounter As Long
Dim Top, Base, Inc, TopI, BaseI As Double
Dim Name As String
OldStatusbar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
'---------------->>> Data Definition Section <<<-----------------------
DOF = 5
Counter = 0
Bounter = 0
SII = 0
Name = Sheets("Data").Cells(DOF + 1, 1)
Top = Sheets("Data").Cells(DOF + 1, 2)
Inc = Sheets("Samples").Cells(1, 6)
TI = ActiveCell.Row - DOF
Base = Sheets("Data").Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 3)
TS = Int((Base - Top) / Inc) + 2
Sheets("Samples").Cells(2, 6) = Name
Sheets("Samples").Cells(3, 6) = Top
Sheets("Samples").Cells(4, 6) = Base
Sheets("Samples").Cells(5, 6) = TI
Sheets("Samples").Cells(6, 6) = TS
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.StatusBar = True
'---------------->>> Begin of calculation loop. Everything after this line is meant for the calculation. <<<-----------------------
If Not Cancelled Then
For i = 1 To TI
TopI = Sheets("Data").Cells(i + DOF, 2)
BaseI = Sheets("Data").Cells(i + DOF, 3)
Samples = CInt((BaseI - TopI) / Inc)
Sheets("Samples").Cells(i, 12) = Samples
Application.StatusBar = i
Next i
For i = 1 To TS
Sheets("Samples").Cells(i, 8) = Top + (i - 1) * Inc
Next i
For i = 1 To TI
SII = Sheets("Samples").Cells(i, 12)
If i = TI Then SII = SII + 1
For j = 1 To SII
Counter = Counter + 1
Sheets("Samples").Cells(Counter, 9) = Sheets("Data").Cells(i + DOF, 13)
Bounter = Bounter + 1
Sheets("Samples").Cells(Bounter, 10) = Sheets("Data").Cells(i + DOF, 16)
Next j
Next i
End If 'If not Cancelled
'---------------->>> End of calculation loop. Everything after this line is after the calculation is done. <<<-----------------------
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = Range("A1").Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayStatusBar = OldStatusbar
End Sub