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Method 'Open' of object 'Presentations' failed when running a VBA loop

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    Method 'Open' of object 'Presentations' failed when running a VBA loop

    Hello Excel Gurus,

    This is the first time I am trying to make a VBA macro which generates PDF presentations automatically, so I am a newbie to this. It works to run once, but I get an error message when the macro runs a second time in a loop.

    I get the following two error messages:
    - Method 'Open' of object 'Presentations' failed
    - The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable (run-time error '462')

    I have Googled around a bit to figure out what the issue is, but not found a solution which I fully understand, i.e. I still do not know what is missing in my code.

    I am using the below code:

    PHP Code: 
    Sub generateReport()
    Dim PPT As PowerPoint.Application
        Set PPT 
    = New PowerPoint.Application
    .Visible True
        Dim objReport 
    As Presentation
        Dim objSlide 
    As Slide
        Dim objShape 
    As Object
    Set objReport PPT.Presentations.Open(Filename:=excelPath "\" & pptTemplateName)    
        'Defining presentation version'
        versionNumber = Sheets("

        'Inputting text to presentation from Excel'
        Dim i As Integer
        firstInputRow = 38
        inputLength = Sheets("
    Analysis").Range("D" & firstInputRow - 3).Value
        For i = 1 To inputLength
            slideNum = Sheets("
    Analysis").Range("B" & firstInputRow + i - 1).Value
            boxName = Sheets("
    Analysis").Range("C" & firstInputRow + i - 1).Value
            textInput = Sheets("
    Analysis").Range("D" & firstInputRow + i - 1).Value
            Set objSlide = objReport.Slides(slideNum)
            objSlide.Shapes(boxName).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = textInput
        Next i

        'Updating charts in presentation'
        inputLength = Sheets("
    Analysis").Range("J" & firstInputRow - 3).Value
        For i = 1 To inputLength
            slideNum = Sheets("
    Analysis").Range("I" & firstInputRow + i - 1).Value
            boxName = Sheets("
    Analysis").Range("J" & firstInputRow + i - 1).Value
        Next i
        'Saving presentation as PDF'
        FileName2 = Replace(excelPath & "
    \" & versionNumber & " " & pptTemplateName, "pptx", "pdf")
        objReport.SaveAs FileName2, ppSaveAsPDF

        Set objShape = Nothing
        Set objSlide = Nothing
        Set objReport = Nothing
        Set PPT = Nothing
    End Sub 

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by apantorsk; 06-20-2016 at 09:08 AM.

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