Try this
Sub Delete_Row_IfCellContainsCertainText()
Dim Firstrow As Long
Dim Lastrow As Long
Dim Lrow As Long
Dim CalcMode As Long
Dim ViewMode As Long
Dim ColumnLetter As String
With Application
CalcMode = .Calculation
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
With ActiveSheet
ViewMode = ActiveWindow.View
ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
.DisplayPageBreaks = False
Firstrow = .UsedRange.Cells(1).Row
Lastrow = .UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row
ColumnLetter = InputBox("What Column do you want to look in?")
For Lrow = Lastrow To Firstrow Step -1
With .Cells(Lrow, ColumnLetter)
If Not IsError(.Value) Then
If .Value Like "*:*" Then .EntireRow.Delete
End If
End With
Next Lrow
End With