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Open files that have a variable date format in the name

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MiloDjukanovic Open files that have a... 06-12-2016, 06:57 AM
JBeaucaire Re: Open files that have a... 06-12-2016, 08:52 AM
MiloDjukanovic Re: Open files that have a... 06-12-2016, 01:28 PM
  1. #1
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    Open files that have a variable date format in the name

    Macros (attached) task is to open today's file from a folder, copy its contents in Excel sheet and close it.
    The files are saved by the application with a strange criteria. Random saves files in formats "d.m.yyyy" or "d.mm.yyyy" or "dd.m.yyyy" or "dd.mm.yyyy" (like "7.5.2016-K.xml" or "7.05.2016-K.xml" or "07.5.2016-K.xml" or "07.05.2016-K.xml"), and I can not affect it.
    The macro works perfectly until a date is in ONE of the format above.
    Is there a possibility to declare "myToday = Format(Date, "dd.m.yyyy")" with multiple criteria which will include all date formats above, so the macro identifies the file regardless of the date format.


    Sub CpyCntnt()
    Dim strLine As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim myToday As String
    Dim strFileName As String
    myToday = Format(Date, "dd.m.yyyy")
    strFileName = myToday & "-K" & ".xml"
    Open "C:\Archive\" & strFileName For Input As #1
    i = 1
    While EOF(1) = False
        'read the next line of data in the text file
        Line Input #1, strLine
        'print the data in the current row
        Cells(i, 1) = strLine
        'increment the row counter
        i = i + 1
    Close #1
    End Sub
    Last edited by JBeaucaire; 06-12-2016 at 08:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Open files that have a variable date format in the name

    Something like this:
    Option Explicit
    Sub CpyCntnt()
    Dim strLine As String, strFileName As String, i As Long
    strFileName = Dir("C:\Archive\" & Format(Date, "dd.m.yyyy") & "-K" & ".xml")
    If strFileName = "" Then strFileName = Dir("C:\Archive\" & Format(Date, "d.mm.yyyy") & "-K" & ".xml")
    If strFileName = "" Then strFileName = Dir("C:\Archive\" & Format(Date, "dd.mm.yyyy") & "-K" & ".xml")
    If strFileName = "" Then
        MsgBox "Dated file not found in tested formats, new one may be in use."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Open "C:\Archive\" & strFileName For Input As #1
    i = 1
    While EOF(1) = False
        Line Input #1, strLine  'read the next line of data in the text file
        Cells(i, 1) = strLine   'print the data in the current row
        i = i + 1               'increment the row counter
    Close #1
    End Sub
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  3. #3
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    Re: Open files that have a variable date format in the name

    You are wrong, not "Something like this", just this.

    Thanks so much

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