Hi again,

See if the following code does what you need:

Public Sub ToggleCell()

    Const sTARGET_RANGE As String = "E10:F20"
    Const lDARK_BLUE    As Long = &HFF0000
    Const lBLACK        As Long = 0

    Dim rCell           As Range

    For Each rCell In Selection.Cells

        With rCell

            If Not Intersect(rCell, _
                             ActiveSheet.Range(sTARGET_RANGE)) Is Nothing Then

                If .Font.Bold = True Then

                      .Font.Bold = False
                      .Font.Color = lBLACK

                Else: .Font.Bold = True
                      .Font.Color = lDARK_BLUE

                End If

            End If

        End With
    Next rCell

End Sub
Select one or more cells and then run the macro to toggle the appearance of the cells.

Hope this helps - please let me know how you get on.


Greg M