Hi Guys
I have two text boxes on a userform both are getting values from somewhere. They both are displaying correct values (that i want those to display) but my formula does not seem to be accepting whatever is displayed.
If Me.Bat_Text1.Value > Me.Tagt_Text1.Value Then
'do something
e.g. The above IF condition is resulting True even if the value of Bat_Text1 = 75 and value of Tagt_Text1 = 100.
to ensure CODE and I are seeing the same value, I displayed the values in a message box only if the above condition is true and it is displaying the correct values.
MsgBox "bat text1 Value = " & Me.Bat_Text1.Value & " and Bat Text 2 Value =" & Me.Bat_Text2, vbOKOnly
MsgBox " Target value = " & Me.Tagt_Text1 & "Target 2 value = " & Me.Tagt_Text2.Value
What am i doing wrong that computer is accepting smaller value as larger value? Any help will be appreciated.
PS. it is very random. sometimes it would not happen at all and sometimes it keeps happening.