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Help with formula for Proper function unless word contains numerals

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Help with formula for Proper function unless word contains numerals

    Hello everybody, I searched the forums and Google to no avail and am in need of serious help. I m by no means an Excel master.

    I have a spreadsheet with over 7,000 records. I need the data in certain columns to be in Proper case, except if the "word" contains any numerals.

    There are too many different exceptions (part numbers beginning with and containing both numerals and letters) to exclude them one by one.

    Is there any way to return the column data as proper case and ignore any words that contain any numbers entirely?

    Thank you in advance for any help / direction with this matter

  2. #2
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    Re: Help with formula for Proper function unless word contains numerals

    You cannot have an Excel formula refer to the cell that contains the formula, so this has to go in another column

    =IF(COUNT(FIND({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A1))=0, Proper(A1), A1)

    Other than that, a simple VBA procedure can scan a column and update 'in place'

  3. #3
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    Re: Help with formula for Proper function unless word contains numerals

    Cytop, thank you so much for the help. When I imputted this formula, it returned the data in the column exactly as it was, not in Proper case. I think I may have not described my issue properly. I have data in one column such as "JONES AB114500PL BASIC COMMERCIAL WIDGET" that I need returned as "Jones AB114500PL Basic Commercial Widget"

    I need the words containing numerals within the cell to be ignored, but all others returned as Proper Case. I cannot separate the text to columns as the word count and positions are all over the place.

  4. #4
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    Re: Help with formula for Proper function unless word contains numerals

    Then I misunderstood.

    I took "I need the data in certain columns to be in Proper case, except if the 'word' contains any numerals" to mean that if there were any numerals then the cell is not updated - at all.

    I think I'd hate to see an Excel formula to do as you ask (If one could even be constructed) - but again a relatively simple VBA procedure which can either run against a range of cells, or be called as a UDF from a cell. You don't mention if VBA is acceptable instead of a native Excel formula.

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    Re: Help with formula for Proper function unless word contains numerals

    You don't mention if VBA is acceptable instead of a native Excel formula.
    No, but it is posted in the Programming / VBA / Macros section, so I'd take a wild guess that it is!!!

    Like you, I think a formula is out of the question given the complexity.

    Enthusiastic self-taught user of MS Excel who's always learning!
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  6. #6
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    Re: Help with formula for Proper function unless word contains numerals

    posted in the Programming / VBA / Macros
    True - I got here (initially) from the 'What's New?' page. Never looked where i ended up.

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    Takes an optional 2nd parameter to upper case 'words' that contain a numeral - Part numbers, for example.
    Last edited by cytop; 06-03-2016 at 09:50 AM.

  7. #7
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    Re: Help with formula for Proper function unless word contains numerals

    Actually, any way to make this happen would help a great deal. I have very basic Excel skills, but am willing and able to learn. I appreciate any help or direction given.

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