In the attached spreadsheet I am setting up a way to quote on different products where your choice in one column affects the choices in others.
You first choose dropdown in column D, then E, then F, then G. I have used a cascading dropdown list (dropdown sheet) to affect this, plus some programming.
My problem is that one can mistakenly change the order of entry and then get incorrect values. So would want the program to force a person to always change column D first. Maybe the entry must change to "choose.." if one changes any other column first.
Second problem: when you delete entries a message pops up "Run-time error 1004" Cannot enter null value. What code is needed to change this.
Last issue: In column G when you choose a colour a message should pop up that is in column H of the product table sheet. It, however, only pops up when you come back to the cell and click on it. How can it pop up immediately from entering your choice on the drop down list.
Help will be much appreciated!