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Macro for creating balanced golf team with handicaps

  1. #1
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    Macro for creating balanced golf team with handicaps

    I'm new to this forum, but I've already seen some great stuff related to golf! I'm looking to build on a couple I've seen. We've got a list of guys who play each weekend. Each person can be assigned on a number and each has a handicap from the white tees and blue tees (which can be captured via a separate lookup table).
    After entering the ID# of each golfer, I would like to be able to enter which color tees we are playing from and what size teams we want (3 or 4 golfers per team). The latter will be determined by how many golfers we have. If we have 17 golfers, we will only enter 16 ID#'s. The 17th person can join one of the 4 foursomes. I would like the groups (whether that be 3-somes or 4-somes) to have total handicaps (simple summing) as close as possible together, recognizing that only rarely can they all be the same. Most handicaps will be positive numbers, but two or three may be negative (they shoot under par on average). I'm including a file I saw on here from 5 years ago which starts to solve the problem, but I would replace columns C and D on the Player ID and Info tab with handicaps from the white and blue tees. Would also be great if all 40 or so players could be listed and a box in (inserted) column A could be "ticked" with who was playing that day.

    I noticed MarvinP and some others were helpful putting the macro in the attached together.

    Thank you very much in advance,

    P.S. Oops, did not have luck being able to attach the spreadsheet. Perhaps because I'm using Edge or perhaps operator error! It was a file from the thread "Macro for making golf teams randomly" started by rwhite713 back on 7/25/10.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Macro for creating balanced golf team with handicaps

    I'm not going to search for the other thread since clicking on it isn't bringing me there.

    Without a spreadsheet, all I can do is give you general advice. Use the rank function to identify top and bottom golfers and build teams by picking from top and bottom. The first team created this way will have two good golfers and two duffers. By the end, the team will have 4 average golfers.

    Another algorithm would be to determine the number of teams you have (for example 6). Assign the top 6 golfers to these teams then assign the next best 6 golfers and so on. This would give a more even distribution on the teams.
    One spreadsheet to rule them all. One spreadsheet to find them. One spreadsheet to bring them all and at corporate, bind them.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, but a sample spreadsheet is more likely to be worked on.

  3. #3
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    Re: Macro for creating balanced golf team with handicaps

    dflak, thank you for the response. Yes, I agree that your idea is the simple approach, but that won't always get you the best combinations because the handicaps are not evenly distributed top to bottom. I was hoping for something a little more sophisticated which had the ability to "iterate" to come up with the best solution.
    I also can not find the thread I referenced on ExcelForum, but ironically I found it on a google search.
    I was able to attach a spreadsheet today if anyone would be kind enough to look at it.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Macro for creating balanced golf team with handicaps

    This will need a little work in adjusting the teams for odd numbers. It does use the tick("x") to select the players.
    The players sheet would be the available players with handicaps for the white and blue tees.
    Team build does the work. The decimals in the N column are used as tie breaker for match formula.
    I didn't test very much but should be a start. Selecting two low and two hi handicappers per team gets you close to team handicap averages.

    It is all purple smoke and mirrors.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Macro for creating balanced golf team with handicaps

    A little more work and the pairings are shown. valid # players is 16 -24. Teams are 4 or 3.
    Most courses don't like twos or fives. No VA or macros. all formulas and conditional formatting.
    Remember. It is all Purple Smoke & Mirrors
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  6. #6
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    Re: Macro for creating balanced golf team with handicaps

    Thank you wyowhite! This looks like something which I can work with! Appreciate your time!

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