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Goal seek for two cells

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  1. #1
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    Goal seek for two cells

    Hello everyone
    I have two constants in B10 and C10 ( 185 and 21.6)

    In the cells (D10 & E10 & F10) I need to solve discover the values (these are unknown values)

    D10 & E10 & F10 would be of total 185
    At the same time I need to sum (D10 * 5% ,E10 * 10% , F10 * 25%) to get the total 21.6

    So I have two goal seeks (yellow cells)

    I can deal with just one goal seek not two
    Sub Goal_Seek_Tax()
        With Worksheets("Sheet1")
            .Range("G10").GoalSeek Goal:=.Range("C10").Value, ChangingCell:=.Range("H10")
        End With
    End Sub
    Thanks advanced for help
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  2. #2
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    I would first make it an algebra problem. It is basically a "solve a system of equations" problem. For an algebra refresher: http://www.purplemath.com/modules/systlin1.htm you might also look back through some of your old threads, because it seems like I have responded to other "solve systems of equation" problems that you have asked.

    The first real challenge I see is that you have a system of 2 equations with 3 unkowns, so there will not likely be a single, unique solution to this problem. For example, {70,71,44} also seems to satisfy the two conditions you describe, so why did you choose {61,83,41} as your preferred solution?

    When all is said and done, I would probably use a matrix algebra/Gaussian elimination/=MINVERSE() type solution for a system of equations like this rather than Goal Seek/Solver. But that will require doing some algebra before doing the programming.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  3. #3
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Thanks a lot MrShorty for reply
    In fact I can't figure it out ..any possible numbers that fulfill the two conditions would be acceptable for me
    The first is the total of the three unknown values would be 185
    The second is each unknown value multiplied by fixed percent ( First * 0.05 + Second * 0.10 + Third * 0.25) should be equal to 21.6
    Please give me the solution

  4. #4
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Is there a spot you are stuck on?

    If any solution is good enough, pick a random number for any of the three unkowns. Then, the problem reduces to solving a system of 2 equations in 2 unkowns.

    This link shows an example of solving 3 equations in 3 unkowns -- it should be easy to adapt to 2 equations in 2 unkowns: http://www.excel-easy.com/examples/s...equations.html
    This one is more math and not so much Excel, but the example is 2 equations in 2 unkowns: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/conten...the-inver.html
    This video walks through solving a system of 2 equations in 2 unkowns in Excel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsgw3p36RUI

    Of course, if you absolutely prefer to do this in VBA, the MMULT() and MINVERSE() functions are available to use in VBA. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/lib.../ff836235.aspx

  5. #5
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Is it possible to deal with the problem using Goal Seek ...?
    Is it possible to deal with Goal Seek for two cells at the same time?

    I need ready solution as I spent more than two hours and i couldn't solve it ..

  6. #6
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Goal Seek can only handle one "target" cell, so you need to change the problem to a single target cell. Again, start with some algebra for a system of equations:


    Assign any suitable number to D10.

    Solve both equations for E10
    Set the resulting equations equal to each other
    Have Goal Seek solve this equation for F10
    Use the resulting value for F10 to find E10.

  7. #7
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    I am trying to get your steps but I can't get them at all ..how can I deal with three unknown values ??? you told me to assign any suitable number to D10 .. if I did it I may got the other two values will have fractions and i need whole numbers if possible
    Can you give me ready solution?

  8. #8
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    You did not mention the "all three must be integers" constraint before. Goal Seek, to my knowledge, does not have a "constrain changing cells to integers". Solver might be a better choice, if you must go with a "trial and error" approach.

    With this additional constraint, I would much prefer a matrix algebra approach rather than a goal seek/Solver approach. The trial and error aspect will be easier to deal with, IMO.

    The overall algorithm will look something like:
    Choose a value for D10
    Solver for E10 and F10.
    Test if E10 and F10 are integers
    If yes, then end
    If not, choose a new value for D10 and repeat.

    The hardest part of this is what would be a good strategy for choosing values for D10. It appears that if you start at 40 and try successive numbers, you would never be more than a few iterations from a valid solution.

  9. #9
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    My try but not complete
    I put this formula in D10
    and in E10
    and in F10
    cell H10 (the changing cell)

    In G10 put the formula
    Last I use this code
    Sub Goal_Seek_Tax()
        With Worksheets("Sheet1")
            .Range("G10").GoalSeek Goal:=.Range("C10").Value, ChangingCell:=.Range("H10")
        End With
    End Sub
    But first I can't figure it out to get the total 185 .. Second I got fractions not whole numbers(integers)
    Hope someone help me find the solution

  10. #10
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    The algebra you describe does not look right to me.


    Assuming you choose a value for D10

    Solve for F10 and, for any chosen value of D10, you can find F10 and test if it is an integer.

  11. #11
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    See attached. I used MrShorty's logic, tried every number in column D from 1 to 185 then used algebra to calculate column E and goal seek to get column F. The trick is to create one formula for the two solutions. The easiest way to do this is to put the two formulas as a ratio and goal seek to that ratio but I then divided that ratio by (185/21.6) just to clean it up and get it back to 1. Then a macro that steps through each option goal seeking to get to 1. it will make more sense when you look at the file. Pretty easy to then select the integer only solutions
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    Last edited by Crooza; 05-22-2016 at 02:10 AM. Reason: multiple typos !!!!
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  12. #12
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Thanks a lot for help
    I didn't expect all these possibilities ..
    Can I pick the nearest to 21.6 *2 which will be
    43 , 107 , 35 ...

    Or the first value would be half of the second value such as this possibility 49 , 99 , 37 (as 49 * 2 =98 and 98 is the nearest to 99)

    I just need one possibility and I need to do the task using VBA
    Thanks advanced for help
    Last edited by YasserKhalil; 05-22-2016 at 02:58 AM.

  13. #13
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    I can have a look later tonight maybe to work up something for you. I'm still not clear on how you're determining the best solution. It sounds like you just want any solution that works but there's something in me that says this is too random and there must be a solution that meets your needs better than another! Anyway I'll work it to either of the two options you've suggested above and get back to you.

  14. #14
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Try this. I've left the percentages and the targets (185 and 21.6) as variables so you can change them and the macro will take this into consideration. As far as picking the "optimum" solution I went for the one with the least spread of numbers from Min to Max. Hope this is OK. Try it out and let me know if its what you want.
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  15. #15
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Thank you very much Mr. Crooza for this great solution
    I will test it in the original file and let you know later if it is ok or not
    Thank you for wonderful help
    Best Regards

  16. #16
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Sorry for disturbing you again Mr. Crooza
    I have reached a point that is to divide the number 185 by 2 = 92.5 and look for the nearest number above it that achieve the task that is as for the example in Post # 7 the best and nearest numbers would be ( 94 / 39 / 52)
    Hope this logic is acceptable and possible
    Thanks a lot for help

  17. #17
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    No problem. I'll look at it tomorrow if that's ok.

  18. #18
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Thanks a lot for reply
    Take your time Mr. Crooza . Have nice time

  19. #19
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    While Crooza is looking at adapting his, I might suggest that you revisit the algebraic solution that I suggested above. I know we try to avoid algebra as much as we can. Without having worked it all the way out, I could see a solution that works like this:

    1) Algebra to find expressions/worksheet formulas E10 and F10 at any given value for D10.
    2) A test for if E10/F10 are integers and how far they are from being integers. This would likely be a =MOD() or mod() like function
    2a) in preparation for the next steps, you might want to spend some time with this function to explore the resulting MOD() function. A simple MOD function is kind of a "saw tooth" shape, but it would probably be worthwhile to spend some time understanding what your chosen function looks like so you can reliably guide these next steps towards the preferred solution.
    3) Use whatever algorithm you like to come up with an initial guess for D10. =B10/2 sounds like the preferred initial guess.
    4) Use Goal Seek (or similar) to set this mod-like function to a value of 0 (or 1 or whatever the appropriate criteria would be) by changing D10.

  20. #20
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    replace the old macro with this

    Sub goalseek()
    Dim Opt_a, Opt_b, Opt_c, t As Integer
    Dim A, B, C As Single
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=(RC[-2]-RC[-1]*R[-1]C[-1]-RC[1]*R[-1]C[1])/R[-1]C"
    For t = Int(Range("b10").Value / 2) To Range("b10").Value
        Range("d10").Value = t
        Range("G10").goalseek goal:=1, ChangingCell:=Range("F10")
         A = Round(Range("d10").Value, 2)
         B = Round(Range("e10").Value, 2)
         C = Round(Range("f10").Value, 2)
        If A > 0 And B > 0 And C > 0 And A = Int(A) And B = Int(B) And C = Int(C) Then
         A = Range("d10").Value
         B = Range("e10").Value
         C = Range("f10").Value
         GoTo 10
        End If
    Next t
    Range("d10").Value = A
    Range("e10").Value = B
    Range("f10").Value = C
    End Sub
    Last edited by Crooza; 05-23-2016 at 06:47 PM. Reason: edited macro

  21. #21
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Thank you very very much for this wonderful code
    But why I got these numbers (97 / 35 / 53)
    I expect these numbers (94 / 39 / 52)

    But in fact it is awesome .. Thanks a lot for this great help

  22. #22
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    I just edited the macro. It wasn't picking up the first solution for some reason - probably due to precision errors. The macro has just been edited and gets to the correct solution now

  23. #23
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Thanks again for reply but this is not accurate now as I calculate it and got 21.55 not 21.6 >>>> the best numbers would be 94 / 39 / 52
    Best Regards

  24. #24
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    It works for me. See attached file
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  25. #25
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Yes it seems that it is my fault
    I am very sorry as I didn't copy all the code .. I just copied these parts only
         A = Round(Range("d10").Value, 2)
         B = Round(Range("e10").Value, 2)
         C = Round(Range("f10").Value, 2)
        If A > 0 And B > 0 And C > 0 And A = Int(A) And B = Int(B) And C = Int(C) Then
    and I didn't pay attention to the other modifications in the code
    Generally now it is perfect for me
    Thanks a lot for help
    Thank you very much. you saved me

    Best and kind regards

  26. #26
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: Goal seek for two cells

    Great. Glad it worked

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