So I did some testing and believe I came up with a solution for my needs.
I downloaded and opened the updated workbook (Book2) from the original workbook(Book1).
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(MyWBbook2)
Added a few cell references to the updated workbook(Book2) from Original Workbook(Book1).
wb.Sheets("MySheet").Range("A1").value = ActiveWorkBook.Name
wb.Sheets("MySheet").Range("A2").value = ActiveWorkBook.Path & "\"
I would add further information in Book2 for my real project to show the user the the update has been completed.
Then close the original workbook(Book1) from original workbook(Book1).
ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
This leaves only Book2 open ans since the user must click a button to open the userforms we use, I can then get the code to check for the cell references I added, if found, the code would delete the original file, move the new updated file to the proper folder and give the user a completed update message when finished. The user won't even know the workbook has changed.
I'm not sure if there is an easier way... but this seems to do the job!