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Use text file to hold usernames and then VBA to read the file to check if the user is list

  1. #1
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    Angry Use text file to hold usernames and then VBA to read the file to check if the user is list

    I'm trying to create an excel workbook that when opened, looks at a text file to check the environ("username") exists in the text file. My vba skills are quite good, but have never had to do anything referring to another file.

  2. #2
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    Re: Use text file to hold usernames and then VBA to read the file to check if the user is

    Why not simply store the list on a very hidden worksheet in the workbook itself...?

    Would make things a whole lot simpler.

  3. #3
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    Re: Use text file to hold usernames and then VBA to read the file to check if the user is

    cytop, thanks for the reply - yes I did think about it. However, I will eventually have a vast number of workbooks that will require the username check and I will need to add users to the list over time.

  4. #4
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    Re: Use text file to hold usernames and then VBA to read the file to check if the user is

    Then again, you may want to maintain the file outside of Excel... *

    To prevent a name like 'Vic' matching 'Victor', each name should be on it's own line with a space before and after. The
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    statement is also required. This goes at the top of the module the function is added to and makes text comparisons case insensitive.

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    It's a simple call to check:

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    * Always helps to think things through (me, that is)

  5. #5
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    Re: Use text file to hold usernames and then VBA to read the file to check if the user is

    Cytop, many thanks for your invaluable help. With a slight tweek, this code has worked perfectly. Thank you.

  6. #6
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    Re: Use text file to hold usernames and then VBA to read the file to check if the user is

    Slight tweak was to name the Name file with the same root name of the workbook so that each workbook has its own list of names?

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