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How can I have an email automatically sent to me if two conditions occur?

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    Question How can I have an email automatically sent to me if two conditions occur?

    I am trying to create a macro that will help notify me when a "safe launch" period has ended in our manufacturing facility. The safe launch just means we sample more during the initial roll out of new parts. To be considered safely launched, a part number must be ran for 6 months and for 10 separate orders. My spreadsheet consists of rows that are headed by the part number. The column headers are the date that the part numbers were first ran and the numbers 1-10. As an order for a specific part number is successfully ran, the operator will type an X in the next column. Once the 10th X is marked down and the initial date is 6 months old, I would like to receive an email saying that the part has met the safe launch requirements and I can cut back on the sampling plan. Right now I have the spreadsheet conditionally formatted so that if the date is 180 days ago and the 10th column has an X in it, the entire row turns green. I have tried to find examples of similar situations online but have not been successful. Does anyone know how one would go about doing this? The goal is to send an email when two conditions are met. The conditions are a date being older than 6 months and an X is typed in the 10th column. Spreadsheet attached.
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