Hi all, i'm havinf trouble exporting the date of a dtpicker.

1. i have linked the datepicker to a cell in the workbook
2. if the cell is empty the date picker will show "01-01-1900" (otherwise an errors occurs because there is no date)

If Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "CA").Value = "" Then
Me.DTPickerInstallationStartDate = "01-01-1900"
Me.DTPickerInstallationStartDate = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "CA").Value
End If
3. the user can change the date but doesnt have to. When the user doesnt change the date i want to export nothing. In other words keep the cell empty. However the IF doesnt seem to work because the cell gets populated with 02-jan-00.
the below code i have tried with several variations.

If DateValue(Me.DTPickerInstallationStartDate) > "01-01-1901" Then
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "CA").Value = Me.DTPickerInstallationStartDate
End If

Is there a good way to "not" export the date, but does export when a date is selected in the dtpicker.