I am looking for a fastest code that will do the flow below. I have 2 sheets in a workbook wtih "old" and "new" sheet. The old sheet has 100+ columns and thousands of data. The new sheet is where all the needed data from the old sheet should be copied. The new sheet has already have the headers (Row 1).
The tool flows like this:
1] get the value in sheet new A1
2] find the value in sheet old columns 1-100
3] when the value is found, copy the entire column from sheet old to sheet new of the same header
4] when the value is not found, go to next value in sheet new B2
5] and repeat step 3 or 4 until all headers in sheet new are populated
I am not yet expert to use arrays and for loops so I will be needing a help to code this.
Thank you.