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Screen Updating Problem when using Buttons, Userforms, Macros in same Producedure

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noobsesher Screen Updating Problem when... 04-19-2016, 12:20 PM
gmr4evr1 Re: Screen Updating Problem... 04-19-2016, 03:10 PM
  1. #1
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    Screen Updating Problem when using Buttons, Userforms, Macros in same Producedure

    I have built a database interface using Excel Userforms.

    Essentially my problem is that is appears that excel screen updating is turned off after the series of events finishes in my interface. I have googled this problem and I have only seen it asked a few times with no
    clear solution found. I will try to explain a flow chart of what is going on below.

    1.Sheet 1-contains a list of companies with a button in each cell that you can click on to open a userform
    2.Userform-asks which Access Query to Run for this company (i.e. revenue, products,)
    3.Macro-a macro that holds the access query code is called from this userform depending on which data the user wants to query
    4.Sheet 2-this sheet will be named Revenue or Products and contain the results from the Query

    Excel gets stuck at this point where I cant scroll up and down the page. It appears to be stuck in a screenupdating=False trance. If I unhide a hidden sheet, everything goes back to normal.

    Anyone have any idea where to start in getting this to work? I have tried to manipulate as much as I can and cannot get anything to work. From previous questions asked online, the problems appear to
    arise due to the fact that I am using a button that calls on a macro, using a userform and macro in the same series of events, selecting/hiding sheets. Also it should be noted that it is a general consensus that
    these problems did not arise until excel 2013.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert gmr4evr1's Avatar
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    Re: Screen Updating Problem when using Buttons, Userforms, Macros in same Producedure

    Can you attach a sample of the workbook with your code(s) and UserForm? Or maybe just the code that it's hanging on.
    1N73LL1G3NC3 15 7H3 4B1L17Y 70 4D4P7 70 CH4NG3 - 573PH3N H4WK1NG
    You don't have to add Rep if I have helped you out (but it would be nice), but please mark the thread as SOLVED if your issue is resolved.


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