Hello Forum

I am having a real problem with add-ins in Excel 2013.

I have made a nice couple of .xlam that works absolutely fine in Excel 2010 and I am currently trying to implement these in Excel 2010.

'Funny' thing is that when I open a brand new instance of Excel 2013 there is no problem what so ever with the add-ins. They all load and show up in the add-ins tab.

HOWEVER! When I open an existing worksheeet (no matter if saved in Excel 2010 or 2013) the add-ins again load just fine BUT refuse to show up in the add-in tab and as a consequence the add-ins tab of course doesn't show at all. Why is that???? I have tried a lot of random things such as coding all of the add-ins from scratch in Excel 2013, renaming them etc. The add-ins are all built as follow:

This xlam (No. 1) is the one that is 'ticked' in Options->Add-Ins->Go. It calls the xlam that makes the buttons and stuff:

Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Option Compare Text

Sub Auto_Open()

ChDir "file-path"
Workbooks.Open(Filename:="file-path", ReadOnly:=True). _
RunAutoMacros Which:=xlAutoOpen
End Sub
This xlam (No. 2) makes all the buttons and stuff:

Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Option Compare Text

Sub Auto_Open()

Dim Menu As CommandBarPopup

Set Menu = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls.Add(msoControlPopup)
Menu.Caption = "bla"

With Menu.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup)
    .Caption = "bla bla bla"

    With .Controls.Add(msoControlButton)
        .Caption = "bla bla bla"
        .OnAction = "bla bla bla"
    End With
End With

End Sub
Hope you can help