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How to open a website and click on a link and open the file to capy

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2010

    How to open a website and click on a link and open the file to capy

    I am trying to open a website "http://transport.dot.state.mn.us/Reference/refItem.aspx" from excel and then click on a link there which will ask if I want to "open" "save" or "cancel", and I would click to "Open". It will open an excel file named "TrnsportItemList.xlsx" and sometimes "TrnsportItemList (1).xlsx" at which time I will copy the data and past into my excel workbook for reference.

    can anyone help?
    Last edited by CityMPLSEmpolyee; 04-12-2016 at 03:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: How to open a website and click on a link and open the file to capy

    If this will help I do know how to open a website thru VBA

    Sub MnDot_Website() 
        ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink address:="http://transport.dot.state.mn.us/Reference/refItem.aspx", NewWindow:=True
    End Sub
    Also I have the copy a past figured out

        Windows("TrnsportItemList.csv").Activate ’ new data workbook
        Columns("A:F").Select ’ colums with data that I need
        Windows("Mpls_Quantities_Workbook_Revision_6.16.xlsm").Activate ‘ my workbook
        Sheets("MN DOT Trnsport List (2016)").Select ‘ worksheet in my workbook where I want to put my data
        Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
            :=False, Transpose:=False
        Windows("TrnsportItemList.csv").Activate ‘ workbook from MnDOT
        ActiveWindow.Close ‘ close MnDOT workbook and don’t save
    What I need help with is how to click the Linked text Export To CSV on the MnDOT website.
    And then clicking on the Button Open that comes up after

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: How to open a website and click on a link and open the file to capy

    I was having trouble posting this part of my reply above

    the Link text Export To CSV has this code attached to it

    j a v a s c r i p t : _ _ d o P o s t B a c k ( ' c t l 0 0 $ M a i n C o n t e n t $ L i n k B u t t o n 1 ' , ' ' )

    note I had to put a space between each character or this website would not let it be posted.
    so if you want to test it copy and remove all spaces.

    and then when you put it in the address bar of IE it will drop the "Javascript" & the ":_" part and give you a google search result.
    to get it to work I typed a "t" in the address bar then pasted the code then deleted the "t" and clicked enter, all on the MnDOT webpage noted earlier.
    Last edited by CityMPLSEmpolyee; 04-20-2016 at 08:49 AM.

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