Hi Greg M,
Thanks for your reply.
I've added formula in and it works well however, it only goes green if there is no data inputted in any of the cells (F8:AC47) as I see you've ran it on being over 6 months old and I have some old dates in the range F8:AC47. My conditional formatting is set up so that, as an example in F8 there is the date of the first revision of the document say 10/10/2015 then in cell G8 the conditional formatting makes the cell red if it the date in F8 is over 6 months ago. So in this instance cell G8 would be red to highlight a new revision is needed so if that were done today then 11/04/2016 would be entered in the red cell making the red disappear in G8 due to conditional formatting and then H8 will be no colour as it is today's date in G8 so less than 6 months old. However, when we get to 12/10/2016 cell H8 will go red due to the date in G8 being over 6 months by then and so the new revision date will need to be entered in H8, and this process carries on across to column AC.
What I really need is rather than the tab colour going red if there is dates older than a certain date I need the tab colour to go red if any of the cells in F8:AC47 have gone red due to the date in the cell to the left of it entered being older than 6 months.
What I mean is that I can't have the tab go red based on whether there is a date entered that is over 6 months old as I need all the previous document revision dates left in the previous cells.
Is there a way of making the tab colour go red if any cells within F8:AC47 have gone red do you know?
Hope that makes sense.
Thanks again for your help.