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Hide multiple rows based on a merged cell text value

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    Hide multiple rows based on a merged cell text value


    I have attached a template spreadsheet (See Tab 'IDF Closet - Rack 1') of what I am trying to accomplish.

    I am looking for the correct VBA code so that whenever you click on the button that says 'Hide Empty Panel' it will look in Column A for any cell that has the word Empty in it and hide that entire row.

    Two issue I am having:
    1) The code will not work unless it is an exact match with the word 'Empty' ie) if in the cell it says 'empty' or 'Empty Panel' it will not work.
    2) When I put just the word 'Empty' in the Merged Cell, only the top cell will hide.

    Any suggestions??
    PS: I am new to VBA.

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