I have a folder which has multiple Excel files in it (extensions can differ).
I want to open this folder, loop through each file, and save it as a binary file in the same folder. Also, I would like to keep the original name of the file for the new binary file.
I have the following code, which I have written. However, I am not able to capture the same file name and progress further.
Can someone help me please?
Sub cons()
Dim myfile As String, myfolder As String, z As String
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'create a new workbook and rename it to store the name of the workbooks in the folder
Workbooks.Add.SaveAs "C:\Users\skhur1\Desktop\Named workbook", FileFormat:=50
'storing folder path
myfolder = "C:\Users\skhur1\Desktop\New folder\"
'storing files path
myfile = Dir(myfolder)
'loop to open the folder and loop through the files saved in it.
Do While Len(myfile) > 0
'opening each file one by one
Workbooks.Open (myfolder & myfile)
'Saving the name of each file in Cell A1. This step can be skipped, if there is another way..
Workbooks("Named workbook").Sheets(1).Range("a1") = ActiveWorkbook.Name
'Trying to store the name of each file in a variable z
z = Workbooks("Named workbook").Sheets(1).Range("a1").Value
'activating the workbook with the name stored above
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs (myfolder & z), FileFormat:=50
myfile = Dir()
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
On the second loop, it gives me an error. I'm attaching the screenshot as well.