Hello guys.

Would you please help me with one thing ? My goal is to run macro based on Worksheet_change event. My target cell is being updated based on hyperlink function.
So at first, I have this function >>

Function my_hyperlink(region As Range)
Range("G2").Value = region.Value
End Function
I thought, that when G2 cell is updated (based on selection), then I can use Worksheet_change event, but it seems this is not possible. Here is my code which doesn't work as intended >>

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Target.Address = "$G$2" Then
End If

End Sub
If I click on G2 and manually change content, it works, but when I use hyperlink function to update G2, it doesn't work.
Please, do you know if I can somehow get around this ?? I would like to use Hyperlink method, is it looks pretty professional and elegant.

I use MSO 2010.

thanks a lot.