I am just started to learn about the VBA and need some help to create a macro (VBA code) to insert certain columns into Excel 2013 from the XML map. The screenshot of the XML map is attached with the data values highlighted in red - those that need to be inserted as columns into Excel. Here are the columns that I need, wanted to type them for you so you cab copy and paste into the code. Make it a little bit easier for you.
1. ns1:Feed > ns1:Product > ID
2. ns1:Feed > ns1:Product > ns1:CategoryName
3. ns1:Feed > ns1:Product > ns1:ReviewStatistics > ns1:AverageOverallRating
4. ns1:Feed > ns1:Product > ns1:ReviewStatistics > ns1:TotalReviewCount
5. ns1:Feed > ns1:Product > ns1:NativeReviewStatistics > ns1:TotalReviewCount
My problem is that the data file is very large - 280 MB and when I drag the data values from the XML map to the Excel columns and refresh it, my Excel application takes a very, very long time to refresh. I am able to incert two data values (two columns) with waiting time about 10 min, but if I attempt to add a third column, the excel crashes. I will need to add Application.ScreenUpdating = False to the beginning of the macro and I already turned the calculations to manual.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!