Sub p_Start()
Dim rSearch As Range
Dim rAssemblies As Range
Dim lLastrow As Long
Dim OutPutArray As Variant
' NOTE: the Bill of Materials must be sorted ascending on parent and Child
' Bill of materials is in columnds D:E, work out the search range
lLastrow = Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rSearch = Range("D3").Resize(lLastrow - 2, 3)
' Cycle through all top level assemblies & use recursive rotuine to get to lowest levels
lLastrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rAssemblies = Range("A3").Resize(lLastrow - 2, 2)
' additional output options so that you can get - change x
' unique lists of final components (OutType=2) or top and final pairs(OutType=3) or the full list (outType=1)
' OutPutArray = ExplodeBOM3(rAssemblies, rSearch, x)
OutPutArray = ExplodeBOM3(rAssemblies, rSearch, 2)
p_OutPutToSheet OutPutArray
End Sub
Sub p_OutPutToSheet(OutPutArray As Variant)
' Output the top level parent and the lowest level part(s)
Range("I3").Resize(UBound(OutPutArray, 1), UBound(OutPutArray, 2)) = OutPutArray
End Sub
Public Function ExplodeBOM3(TopDemand As Range, BOM As Range, OutType As Long) As Variant
Dim vOut() As Variant
Dim vIn As Variant
Dim jOut As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim RequdQty As Long
' Dim jOut As Single
'Dim j As Single
'Dim RequdQty As Single
Dim strParent As String
Dim strTop As String
'On Error GoTo FuncErr
' initialise output array
ReDim vOut(1 To 3, 1 To 100)
vIn = TopDemand.Value2
If Not IsArray(vIn) Then GoTo FuncErr
' process each top-level input
For j = 1 To UBound(vIn)
If vIn(j, 2) > 0 Then
RequdQty = vIn(j, 2)
strTop = Trim(CStr(vIn(j, 1)))
strParent = strTop
If Len(strTop) = 0 Then Exit For
GetParentChild strTop, strParent, BOM, RequdQty, vOut(), jOut
End If
Next j
ReDim Preserve vOut(1 To 3, 1 To jOut)
ExplodeBOM3 = CreateOutput(vOut, OutType)
Exit Function
ExplodeBOM3 = CVErr(xlErrNA)
End Function
Function CreateOutput(vOut() As Variant, OutType As Long) As Variant
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim vOut2() As Variant
Dim strPair As String
Dim vItem As Variant
Dim OutDict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Select Case OutType
Case 2
' unique end components
For j = 1 To UBound(vOut, 2)
If Len(Trim(vOut(2, j))) = 0 Then Exit For
If OutDict.Exists(vOut(2, j)) Then
OutDict.Item(vOut(2, j)) = OutDict.Item(vOut(2, j)) + vOut(3, j)
OutDict.Add vOut(2, j), vOut(3, j)
End If
Next j
j = 0
ReDim vOut2(1 To OutDict.Count, 1 To 3)
For Each vItem In OutDict
j = j + 1
vOut2(j, 1) = vItem
vOut2(j, 2) = OutDict(vItem)
Next vItem
CreateOutput = vOut2
Case 3
' unique pairs
k = 0
For j = 1 To UBound(vOut, 2)
If Len(Trim(vOut(1, j))) = 0 Then Exit For
strPair = vOut(1, j) & "|" & vOut(2, j)
If OutDict.Exists(strPair) Then
OutDict.Item(strPair) = OutDict.Item(strPair) + vOut(3, j)
OutDict.Add strPair, vOut(3, j)
End If
Next j
j = 0
ReDim vOut2(1 To OutDict.Count, 1 To 3)
For Each vItem In OutDict
j = j + 1
strPair = vItem
k = InStr(strPair, "|")
vOut2(j, 1) = Left(strPair, k - 1)
vOut2(j, 2) = Right(strPair, Len(strPair) - k)
vOut2(j, 3) = OutDict(vItem)
Next vItem
CreateOutput = vOut2
Case Else
' full list
CreateOutput = Application.Transpose(vOut)
End Select
End Function
Sub GetParentChild(strTop As String, strParent As String, BOM As Range, Qty As Long, vOut() As Variant, jOut As Long)
Dim vRow As Variant
Dim rngParent As Range
Dim vData As Variant
Dim nParents As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim blFound As Boolean
Dim ChildQty As Long
blFound = False
' Assume BOM is sorted ascending on Parent
Set rngParent = BOM.Resize(, 1)
vRow = Application.Match(strParent, rngParent, True)
If IsError(vRow) Then
' parent does not exist
'If strParent <> Trim(CStr(rngParent.Cells(CLng(vRow), 1).Value2)) Then
'' :) If strParent <> Trim(CStr(rngParent.Cells(CDbl(vRow), 1).Value2)) Then
If strParent <> Trim(CStr(rngParent.Cells(CDbl(vRow), 1).Value2)) Then
' no exact match found
blFound = True
' get all BOM data for this parent
nParents = Application.CountIf(rngParent, "=" & strParent)
'vData = BOM.Offset(CLng(vRow) - nParents, 0).Resize(nParents, 3).Value2
vData = BOM.Offset(CDbl(vRow) - nParents, 0).Resize(nParents, 3).Value2
For j = 1 To nParents
' recurse each child for this parent
strParent = Trim(CStr(vData(j, 2)))
' ChildQty = Qty * CLng(vData(j, 3))
ChildQty = Qty * CDbl(vData(j, 3))
GetParentChild strTop, strParent, BOM, ChildQty, vOut(), jOut
Next j
End If
End If
If Not blFound Then
' store Results
jOut = jOut + 1
If jOut > UBound(vOut, 2) Then
ReDim Preserve vOut(1 To 3, 1 To UBound(vOut, 2) * 2)
End If
vOut(1, jOut) = strTop
vOut(2, jOut) = strParent
vOut(3, jOut) = Qty
End If
End Sub
The problems that I am having are...